REVEALED: 60-70% of Sex Trafficking Victims from Child Welfare System

A report from Suzuki Law Offices shows that a majority, 60-70%, of sex trafficking victims come from the child welfare system. In a 2023 study with 33 minor victims, the most common vulnerabilities for assaulted children are being runaways or placed in foster care.

A 2013 Congressional hearing led by Rep. David Reichert (R, WA) for the Subcommittee on Human Resources of the Committee on Ways and Means addressed child trafficking in foster care head-on. In a hearing titled “PREVENTING AND ADDRESSING SEX TRAFFICKING OF YOUTH IN FOSTER CARE,” the committee warned of the dark side of the program: “While foster care often protects children from further abuse and neglect, children who stay in foster care for extended periods—especially those who leave foster care at age 18 without being placed in a permanent home—have troubling outcomes.”

“One of the most devastating examples of this vulnerability is when children in foster care become victims of sex trafficking,” the committee’s hearing advisory continued. “Reports suggest a majority of children involved in sex trafficking are either currently in foster care or have been involved with the child welfare system in the past.”

While it is tragic that children are forced into foster programs to begin with, the involvement of government in protecting children should be reconsidered, as communities and churches must stand in the gap.

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