Beloved TV Anchor Lou Dobbs Passes Away at 78

President Donald J. Trump announced Dobb’s death in a Truth Social post on July 18:

Dobbs left a significant mark in pro-freedom journalism, working first for CNN at its inception in 1980 as the vice president of the network and as a journalist, making himself a household name through the program Moneyline.

In 2003, the program remained on CNN and was renamed Lou Dobbs Tonight. Dobbs later transitioned his show to Fox News in 2011 until its removal from the network in 2021.

Fox parted ways with Dobbs for sharing information that supported President Trump’s claims that the 2020 election was unlawfully stolen, inviting leading voices for election integrity like Trump attorney Sidney Powell on his program. Dobbs’ coverage of the election cost Fox heavily, resulting in a $1.6 billion lawsuit from Dominion Voting Systems, leading the network to pay a $787 million settlement. The lawsuit is the largest media defamation case known in U.S. history.

After the lawsuit was settled, Fox swiftly canceled Dobbs’ program.

Dobbs, who is the New York Times best-selling author of six books, including his last work, The Trump Century: How Our President Changed the Course of History Forever, hosted Lou Dobbs Tonight on Lindell TV, which aired a few hours after CEO Alex Newman’s program The Sentinel Report.

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