Black Lies Matter: Uncle Tom II Exposes The Race Hustlers Like Never Before (Watch FREE!)

Americans, especially black Americans, have been lied to on a massive scale as part of a war on the nation, and it is literally ripping society apart — by design. But a critical new documentary, Uncle Tom II, sets the historical record straight using truth bombs in a way no film on the topic has done before. It has the potential to totally transform national discourse and even the nation itself if the message gets out far enough.   

On the second anniversary of its release, producer Justin Malone has uploaded it online to watch for FREE for a limited time! Keep scrolling.

Using compelling interviews with extraordinary black voices combined with rare footage, words, and images of life in black America from as far back as the Civil War, this explosive documentary explores the true history of black success in America that has been deliberately suppressed. Uncle Tom II shows that black Americans, after emerging from slavery, were blessed with strong families and strong churches and rapidly began to prosper. Despite the hardships they faced, black Americans were quickly becoming educated and wealthy as they worked hard to improve their situation. 

Inspired by leaders such as Booker T. Washington and his mindset of hard work and education as outlined in his book Up From Slavery, newly freed black Americans were finding their place as God-fearing, free, and patriotic people in the United States. The progress they were making in literacy and entrepreneurial activity was unparalleled in its scope and speed. The film shows many examples of black-owned businesses, strong families, and prosperous neighborhoods that have been all but wiped from America’s collective memory — on purpose.  

Not everyone was happy about these developments. In fact, the film exposes the deliberate Marxist targeting of the black community — and the United States itself — as part of an effort to destroy and fundamentally transform not just black America, but also the nation and the world. The consequences are unveiled in all their horror throughout the film, using evidence and video footage that very few Americans have ever seen.  

Perhaps most importantly, Uncle Tom II tells the story of how so many black Americans were turned against each other and their own nation — and how the resulting destruction is now being used to turn America against itself with charges of “systemic racism” and “white supremacy.” Millions of unwitting black Americans were literally weaponized against their nation and their neighbors by evil forces determined to undermine not just black success, but America itself. And the film proves it beyond a shadow of a doubt.       

Several key characters emerge in the saga. As communist voices such as W.E.B. Du Bois and other anti-American agitators grew stronger — in many cases aided by foreign communists — the film shows, the incredible progress black Americans were making was not just stopped, but radically reversed. As families disintegrated and chaos, anger, hatred, and resentment exploded, the black community suffered tremendously, as did the nation. This was all by design, as the film shows and documents extensively. 

The documentary includes amazing footage to support its premise that unseen forces behind the scenes are at work. For instance, a key (non-black) figure behind the infamous Black Lives Matter movement and its Marxist leaders is featured openly discussing the benefits of using black people and other minorities to advance the subversive agenda. Simply showing this footage to Americans could forever neutralize much of the evil being wrought in the nation by BLM and other subversive organizations, as well as by their allies in government and media.     

Also featured in the film is vintage footage of legendary anti-communist G. Edward Griffin exposing communist subversion in the United States that will be very familiar to faithful readers of The New American magazine and longtime members of The John Birch Society. In fact, many of the arguments and facts highlighted in the movie have been found in few other sources over the decades, making the film all the more important as it gets this critical information out to a broad audience.  

Perhaps even more importantly, the film uncovers the shadowy subversive forces behind the lies that have turned large swaths of several generations of Americans — especially black Americans — against their own nation and its constitutional system of limited government. Even Marxist efforts to use and co-opt the Civil Rights movement — and some of the key figures around Martin Luther King, Jr. — are scrutinized in light of the Marxist effort to divide and conquer America. 

The creators of the film argue that Marxist subversives are actually employing a strategy that involves using black America as “the driving tool of destruction,” as they put it in the summary. While these forces are behind much of the chaos and unrest that is enveloping the world and all mankind, Marxist infiltration of black institutions such as churches and the black community at large were the tip of the spear in the United States.

Controversially, Uncle Tom II shows that the gradual destruction of the black family and the corruption of the church in the black community were deliberate and systematic. Indeed, the use of black pastors and preachers, highly respected in their communities, has long been an important tactic of Marxist forces. 

The religious implications of all this are examined, too, with Christianity being gradually supplanted by what world-renowned Pastor Voddie Baucham describes as a new (and obviously false) “religion.” In the film, Baucham, whose book Fault Lines exposing critical race theory was reviewed last year in these pages by this writer, offers some of the most incisive commentary on these critical issues that can be found anywhere. 

The film is made from an explicitly Christian perspective, and it details the dangerous effort to have government supplant God and family, first in the black community but eventually everywhere. Ultimately, a return to biblical principles and morals — on sexuality, education, marriage, family, church, community, and more — is the only true remedy for turning the tide and stopping the assault on all Americans.    

The film features incredible interviews with some of the greatest minds in America today — all of them of African heritage — including many who will be very familiar to regular readers of this magazine and viewers of TNA’s video programs. Among them are popular radio host Jesse Lee Peterson, longtime academic Dr. Carol Swain, former Congressman Colonel Allen B. West, Pastor Stephen Broden, and Dr. Ben Carson.

In an interview with The New American, director Justin Malone and producer Chad Jackson explained why they made the film and what was really at stake. “Their goal was socialism, to use racial exploitation for the purpose of bringing in socialism,” Jackson explained about the sinister forces behind the scenes.  

“In order to make these Black elites notable and relevant in the Black community, they sought to sabotage and undermine folks like Booker T. Washington who did have genuine influence, especially in the Black South.” 

In this historic film, which builds on the wildly popular film Uncle Tom (2020), executive producer Larry Elder and director Justin Malone fearlessly tackle these taboo subjects and many more. This writer believes the film may be one of the most important documentaries ever made — not just on this subject, but on any topic. The weaponization of “race” has been one of the most effective tools in dividing and conquering America. This film offers the antidote.  

If enough Americans see it, the increased knowledge and understanding would neutralize many of the plans and schemes of the insiders for generations to come. The experience would also bring unprecedented unity to Americans of all colors under the principles our nation was founded upon — the worst nightmare of the Marxists, technocrats, monopoly capitalists, and globalists seeking to divide and conquer America. Watch it and share it today at

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