Deep State Connections in Our Daily Lives

Throughout the years, individuals have made claims during interviews about different organizations having “ties” to the Deep State. In recent times, certain people have felt the need to post about this issue on social media. While some claims are plainly absurd and can be easily disproven, there are some situations where “connections” might actually exist. Oftentimes the significance of those connections is greatly exaggerated or is overstated entirely.

In the past, some have criticized the John Birch Society for their supposed “ties” to the Deep State because prominent member W. Cleon Skousen was not only an FBI agent but was also a Mormon. He is also the founder of the National Center for Constitutional Studies, which offers some of the finest constitutional educational curriculums. It is safe to say that he was on the right side, given how he exposed the Deep State in his books “The Naked Communist” and “The Naked Capitalist.” Even though the Mormon religion has its ties to the Deep State, it would be no reason to criticize the National Center for Constitutional Studies or to discourage people from using their curriculums.

Other strange claims have also been made about the John Birch Society throughout the years. Former field coordinator Eustace Mullins once made the claim that they were controlled by the Rockefellers and that JBS founder Robert Welch had a secret Rockefeller-funded bank account that he used whenever he could not make payroll. First of all, how on earth would a field coordinator even know about the Society’s financial situation in the first place? Field coordinators are not privy to that information. This writer had a conversation with the late Art Thompson, former John Birch Society CEO, about this claim. His response was, “Well, if that bank account exists, I would sure love to find it!” He went on to explain that the Society has actually been close to shutting its doors several times throughout the years, and they barely made it through due to donations from long-time members, not a secret bank account.

The John Birch Society has also, from time to time, faced claims of being “taken over by Jews” because of their so-called failure to talk about the Jewish bankers that control the Deep State. Art Thompson has publicly stated that the race or nationality of people involved in the Deep State is not relevant, and there are just as many people who are not Jewish who are involved. The claim that JBS was taken over by Jews simply because they are not shouting on the street corner about how Jewish bankers fund the Deep State is such a stretch that anyone who believes it would have to be looking for any sad excuse to discredit the Society in the first place. Funny enough, JBS has at times also been accused of being antisemitic. Go figure!

Morton Blackwell founded the Leadership Institute in 1979 to turn principled conservatives into powerhouse leaders. According to their website, “The Leadership Institute is the culmination of the political lessons Morton learned throughout his life—that America would only stay free if it had a steady flow of leaders rising to positions where they could make a difference.” The Leadership Institute offers several online courses on a variety of topics to help further the conservative principles held by Morton Blackwell.

In the past, Morton Blackwell has expressed support for an Article V Convention, or a Convention of States, for the purpose of adding a balanced budget amendment to the U.S. Constitution. This movement, unbeknownst to most, has ties to the Deep State. But just because Morton Blackwell was naïve about this, and like many other conservatives, he falsely feels that an Article V convention is the solution to America’s spending and debt problem, it does not mean that no one should participate in the courses that the Leadership Institute offers.

There are many globalist corporations and organizations that are key players in the Deep State, but that does not mean that everyone that works for them or does business with them agrees with those goals or is even aware of them in the first place. For example, Amazon has multiple concrete ties to Deep State globalist organizations. They employ thousands of people at their distribution centers, and they also have subcontractors that deliver their packages. This does not mean that all these people should be expected to give up their jobs in the name of stopping the Deep State, and it does not mean that people should be expected to not order any of their products.

James O’Keefe, formerly of Project Veritas, attended Bohemian Grove in 2024. Due to all of the Deep State globalists that attend this yearly event, his attendance should raise an eyebrow. However, this does not mean that everyone that works for O’Keefe Media Group should be expected to leave their job, and it does not mean that they do not continue to provide valuable journalism.

There are many universities that have received federal funds and have partnered with and continue to partner with the federal government for research. While it may be unconstitutional and some of the research being done may be unethical and immoral, no one should be expected to automatically refrain from studying there or to stop donating to or supporting these universities, as there may be other reasons to support them in other areas.

The Deep State is very deep and very wide, so naturally their influence extends to different religions and to many Christian denominations. One of the most visible points of influence is through the Papacy, as Pope Francis has aligned himself with Deep State ideologies like globalism, environmentalism, “sustainability,” and homosexuality. However, this does not mean that every member of the Catholic Church agrees with the pope or that anyone should be expected to automatically leave the Catholic Church.

Another way that the Deep State implements its influence in Christian denominations is through the World Council of Churches, which is intimately allied with the United Nations. As it says on its website:

“Housed at the Church Center for the United Nations, the EOUN is the World Council of Churches’ focal point for advocacy initiatives at the United Nations headquarters in New York City. Together with ACT Alliance, through the EOUN, the WCC plays a key role in convening and facilitating advocacy at different levels and building joint ecumenical strategies on priority issues. The EOUN is a key instrument, helping to create a platform for the most marginalized among us, particularly those from the Global South, to bear witness to their experiences and truth in order to influence policy and decision-making at the UN in New York, among member states, and within other intergovernmental and multilateral institutions. By engaging in continuous dialogue and programmatic cooperation with such agencies as the United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force on Religion and Sustainable Development, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), and UN Women, we aim to strengthen and enhance UN discourse and practice on issues of peace and security, sustainable development, and human rights. Through these dynamic partnerships, the EOUN serves to echo the call to action of the ecumenical fellowship, promoting peace building, reconciliation, human rights, peaceful resistance to violence, and sustainable development.”

It could not be more apparent that the World Council of Churches is just another arm of the Deep State, working to further their “progressive” and “sustainable” end goals. Its membership includes many Christian denominations, including the Greek Orthodox Church. Even so, it would be rude, insulting, and completely uncalled for to blast a post on Facebook demanding that everyone leave the Greek Orthodox Church!

In his book “The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism,” Patrick Wood states, “There are many big businesses, even some banks and investment firms, led by moral, ethical, good-hearted men and women. Just because a company’s operations in some way brush up against globalism doesn’t mean its management or employees are evil.”

In the past, this writer briefly worked at a Target distribution center and at one point delivered packages for Amazon Flex. That does not mean that this writer in any way agrees with the ideology of these corporations and the globalist organizations they participate in. Everyone needs to take the words of Patrick Wood to heart and realize that if everyone were expected to completely distance themselves from every soft “connection” or “tie” to the Deep State, there would be almost nowhere left to work or shop.

In the same way, blasting confrontational and inflammatory posts on social media, demanding that everyone leave an organization, is not going to win over hearts and minds and is not going to make any new friends. Yes, we need to be aware of the Deep State influence on all kinds of organizations, but especially when it comes to Deep State “connections” that are insignificant in the first place, individuals need to be free to make their own decisions regarding what businesses they seek employment from and what businesses they choose to patronize.

About the author: Brandon is a freelance journalist based in the metro-Milwaukee area. His work has been featured in Liberty Sentinel Media, Wisconsin Conservative Digest, and Reality News Media. He has worked full-time in politics for six years. This includes leading successful campaigns for legislatures at the state and congressional levels, and successful deployments to get bills passed in Kentucky and Texas. On his spare time, he enjoys weightlifting, running, hiking, and listening to classic rock.

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