D.C. Democrats have figured out a new way to punish Trump Country, which is small-town America favoring Donald Trump for President. Overwhelm a small town of 56,000 Americans with 20,000 Haitian migrants, as Biden-Harris has done to Springfield, Ohio, and watch conflict develop.
The liberal media deny news about this, but videos of outrage by longtime residents have gone viral on X and TikTok. Most Haitians do not know how to drive, so car accidents in this small town have caused car insurance rates to skyrocket for everyone who lives there.
There are videos of residents complaining about pets disappearing, presumably taken for food by these migrants, who reportedly also decapitate ducks in the local park. Grocery store items are being opened up and consumed right off the shelves.
A 95-pound elderly woman testified at a public hearing, which is available on video, that “it is so unsafe. I have men that cannot speak English in my front yard screaming at me, throwing mattresses in my front yard, throwing trash in my front yard.” She and her husband feel they are being forced out of their home of 45 years.
Independent journalist Tyler Oliveira has posted many video interviews of Springfield residents on X, including one viewed 1.7 million times of a black veteran explaining how he’s been unable to obtain Medicaid while social services are overwhelmed by Haitian migrants. In another video showing an hours-long waiting line for benefits, an officer estimated that the ratio during the morning is 9-to-1 Haitians compared with locals.

Biden-Harris has lavishly funded these migrants, such that landlords evict American tenants to obtain higher rent from federally subsidized Haitians. On television, Kamala Harris took credit for extending the stay of 100,000 Haitians after their temporary protected status (TPS) expired.
Democrats see future voters for their party by bringing in these large numbers of Haitians and other third-world migrants. Added to the millions crossing over our southern border, this open border policy is to replenish the many voters fleeing Harris to vote for Trump.
Kamala Harris has not relocated all these Haitian migrants to a swing state such as Pennsylvania or Wisconsin, where the backlash could cost her the upcoming election. She also did not drop large numbers on a city such as New York or San Francisco, where liberals praise illegal aliens everywhere except in their own backyard.
Trump is on track to win Ohio by double digits, and no longer holds rallies there because his lead is so large. With Trump picking Ohio U.S. Senator JD Vance as his running mate, Harris has given up on the state and Democrats may feel this is a politically safe place for them to dump migrants.
At the videoed city commission meeting on August 27, a local black YouTube influencer Anthony Harris passionately decried that “these Haitians are running into trash cans. They’re running into buildings. They’re… flipping cars in the middle of the street.”
One car accident caused by a Haitian migrant in Springfield had particularly tragic consequences. On the first day of school last year, a 35-year-old Haitian national named Hermanio Joseph drove a minivan into oncoming traffic, forcing a school bus carrying 52 students off the road which killed one of its eleven-year-old passengers.
Twenty-three additional children were also injured, one severely. Joseph was subsequently convicted of involuntary manslaughter and vehicular homicide, and sentenced to 9 to 13-and-a-half years in prison.
The Haitian migrant did not have a driver’s license, but had been given a state ID. It was an accident that resulted not from any intoxication, but from out-of-control immigration.
“I have a 20-year-old granddaughter who works two jobs, pays city tax,” Lisa Hayes said at the Springfield public meeting. “She works two jobs, she’s pregnant; it took us four months to get Medicaid for that young lady.”
Meanwhile, Biden-Harris has resumed travel authorizations for migrant parolees under their mass parole program for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans (CHNV). This began 3 years ago when 12,000 Haitians appeared at Del Rio, Texas and camped under the international bridge, where horseback-riding U.S. Border Patrol agents were falsely condemned by Biden and Harris for brandishing whips on migrants.
Biden-Harris exploited this fake news to grant parole (amnesty) to 30,000 migrants every month from 4 countries – flying them wherever they like. Monday night on Fox, Bill Melugin said 205,000 Haitians have entered our country under the CHNV program, while Venezuelans admitted under this same program have recently terrorized the residents of an apartment building in Aurora, Colorado.
Months ago JD Vance publicly raised this issue of Biden-Harris harming Springfield residents by overwhelming them with migrants. Yet Kamala Harris continues to insist on her open border policy.
John and Andy Schlafly are sons of Phyllis Schlafly (1924-2016) and lead the continuing Phyllis Schlafly Eagles organizations with writing and policy work.
America is way past any hope, more invaders coming in all the time and sent to various cities. These cities will turn into third world conditions unfit for people to live in, housing values going down. We decided not to vote in Nov. since nothing will be fixed anyway incl. ongoing open borders. It will only get worse.
So rollover and play dead to the Dems?! Even if you hate Trump, a vote for him is at least more one vote to stop a complete socialist takeover by Communist Kamala!
My mother lives about 45 mins east of Springfield, OH. I asked her if she had heard anything about people’s pets being eaten AFTER I watched police bodycam showing a Haitan woman on the apron of a driveway squatting & hunched over the bloody neck & side of a yellow cat (looked like something out of a horror movie). The police told her to open her mouth so they could determine if she had been eating the cat because I guess blood on your face & hands isn’t evidence enough. They have to see the actual blood & flesh in one’s teeth to arrest someone. And I read the comments of a young girl who claims that Haitan neighbors (2 houses down) had her cat hanging up in a tree like a hunter would hang a deer for butchering. Mom told me that the local news in her city (a very large metropolitan city) had already been reporting on it. But yet anyone who speaks about it is mocked & told that the reports are not true even though it has made local news in Ohio. I find it difficult to deny police bodycam & I doubt that anyone would not recognize their pet cat even if it was dead & hanging up like a deer being processed for meat.
But this is not the first time this has been an issue. Before I left my hometown, over 10,000 Somalians were dumped there & after I left over 20,000 were dumped. It has cause a lot of issues. Young girls were being beat up & abused in school by some of their immigrant classmates. And even to this day, when I visit, I refrain from going grocery shopping because of the hostile behavior. One of them hit my 85 yrs old mother’s car & ran. She followed her but the woman didn’t have a driver’s license nor insurance (thought that was against the law).
No immigrants should be turned loose until they have been fully vetted as not a terriorist, violent criminal, or gang member. And there should be some basic instruction given about the laws & how to behave in a civilized manner. There are cultural differences & it isn’t fair to Americans nor immigrants. Our government needs to provided some basic instructions so that immigrants know what constitutes a crime & what behavior may result in community outrage.