Hand Counting Paper Ballots: A Remedy to Fraud

In this episode of Alex Newman’s The Sentinel Report, Newman covers the most pressing news items and interviews Missouri election integrity expert Linda Rantz, who has trained over 500 citizens to help secure elections.

Finally, libertysentinel.org chief of operations Andrew Muller joins the show to dissect the GOP party platform.

1 thought on “Hand Counting Paper Ballots: A Remedy to Fraud”

  1. ———————- How To Stop Vote Stealing ———————————————————————-

    With paper ballots, it would be tedious to go to an office and plow through the paperwork to see how your vote was actually handled. And, you couldn’t cross-check the tallies of other people’s votes unless you manually recounted each one. In the modern computer era, it is a lot easier to use computers to check up on institutional computers. Set up properly, if they tried to change even one vote it could be caught.

    How to beat the thieves so they can’t steal any more votes:

    1- Enter polling place and go to ballot dispensing computer, where you pick your secret ballot number off the screen.

    2- After all of 5 seconds, out comes your ballot printed with your secret number that you picked.

    3- When your ballot goes into the voting machine to be counted, you get your anonymous xerox copy on secure paper in another 5 seconds.

    4- Now you can go to any computer anywhere, type in the number of your polling place, and scroll to find your ballot number, as tabulated, without snoops knowing which ballot results you are examining.

    5- If your vote hasn’t been counted correctly, the Deep State guys who stole it are in trouble, answerable to you. You can show your xerox copy to police, prosecutors, journalists, or friends (and see theirs if they want you to see whether their vote was stolen or not).

    6- Your ballot number is secret unless you are the one revealing it, not a problem if revealed since a third of all ballots are already cast absentee and those ballots can be shown to any third party before the ballot is cast. If we fear bribery and blackmail by third parties we have to get rid of absentee voting.

    7- We already vote by anonymous computer methods every time we vote for numbers at the lottery, and we know the technology is by now easy and cheap to do and verify. Every lottery ticket has scads of verification numbers and letters on it to control for counterfeiting. Ditto can be done cheaply for elections, and you the voter only put in 10 seconds to have proof that keeps aspiring vote stealers honest or else in jail. This isn’t difficult or expensive to do, as the lottery systems prove abundantly all over the United States.

    8- If you have rudimentary computer skills you can tell the computer to totalize the results of the precinct or county or whole state, and you can see for yourself who really won the election. Which is why crooks don’t like this proposal and try to invent excuses to cover it up and not do it.

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