In a growing sign of pushback against anti-Christian indoctrination of children funded by coercive taxation imposed on Christians, multiple states are moving to restore biblical truth and the Ten Commandments to their once-central role in education. The godless, the pagans, and even some Christians, however, are up in arms.
For centuries, the Bible was the primary textbook for Americans. Education without the Bible would have been inconceivable, if not an oxymoron, to most of the population. Even the primers that young Americans used to learn how to read for hundreds of years were saturated with biblical wisdom and theology.
However, following several generations of government “education,” the U.S. Supreme Court banished prayer and God’s Word from classrooms in 1962 and 1963. “Refusal to permit religious exercises thus is seen, not as the realization of state neutrality, but rather as the establishment of a religion of secularism,” wrote Justice Potter Stewart in his dissent.

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The fruit of that establishment of “secularism” (or humanism) via judicial fiat is now clear to see: rampant immorality, crime, fornication, gender confusion, crumbling families, hatred, division, abortion, drug addiction, cities that look like Third World wastelands, surging suicide rates among children, gang violence, and more.
But it appears the nation’s tolerance for it is finally coming to an end. Last month, lawmakers in Louisiana approved a law that requires all government-school classrooms to display the Ten Commandments in “large, easily readable font” starting next year. The statute says they are “foundational documents of our state and national government.”
“When the Supreme Court meets, the doors of the Supreme Court on the backside have the Ten Commandments,” explained Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry, a Republican in responding to backlash and hate from the far left. “Moses faces the U.S. Speaker of the House in the House chamber. He is the original giver of law.”
Governor Landry noted that the legal system in the United States and the Western world is based on the Bible and the Ten Commandments given by God. As such, he said it was hard to understand why anti-Christian groups were so upset at the prospect of giving children an opportunity to learn basic morals that are at the foundation of Western civilization.
Following in Louisiana’s footsteps, Oklahoma recently mandated instruction on the Bible in all government schools across the state. “Every teacher, every classroom in the state will have a Bible in the classroom and will be teaching from the Bible in the classroom,” explained State Superintendent Ryan Walters in a statement.
In a memo, Walters said the state expected “immediate and strict compliance” with the new directive, which builds on state standards requiring basic Bible knowledge. The goal, he said, will be “to ensure that this historical understanding is there for every student in the state of Oklahoma.”
President Donald Trump weighed in on the controversy in remarks last month at the Faith and Freedom as well as in a post on Truth Social, calling it a potential first step in a “revival of religion” in America. “I love the Ten Commandments in public schools, private schools, and many other places for that matter,” he said. “Read it. How can we as a nation go wrong?”
Citing some of the commandments such as “thou shalt not steal,” Trump called the divine laws “incredible stuff. Urging Christians to go vote in November, the Republican contender blasted those who sought to suppress God’s moral laws and keep them out of public places. “It’s a crazy world,” he said.
As expected, an array of anti-Christian organizations such as the American Civil Liberties Union, Americans United for Separation of Church and State, and the Freedom from Religion Foundation vowed to file lawsuits. “The law violates the separation of church and state and is blatantly unconstitutional,” the groups said in a joint statement.
“The First Amendment promises that we all get to decide for ourselves what religious beliefs, if any, to hold and practice, without pressure from the government,” the statement continued without explaining how the Ten Commandments in classrooms would violate the First Amendment. “Politicians have no business imposing their preferred religious doctrine on students and families in public schools.”
Officials suggested the far-left anti-Christian groups were falling right into the trap, hoping that the case will end up at the Supreme Court and it will reverse its previous unconstitutional rulings. “I can’t wait to be sued,” said Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry before signing the bill.
Walters in Oklahoma also sounded enthusiastic about a legal battle. “If we get sued and we get challenged, we will be victorious, because the Supreme Court justices [Trump] appointed actually are originalists that look at the Constitution and not what some left-wing professor said about the Constitution,” he said. “The separation of church and state appears nowhere in the Declaration of Independence or Constitution.”
As The Newman Report has documented extensively over a period of many years, every false religion imaginable is welcomed with open arms into the government schools. In California, the state board of education even voted unanimously for an “ethnic studies model curriculum” forcing children to chant to the Aztec deities of cannibalism and war.
Bills similar to those in Louisiana and Oklahoma have been introduced in dozens of states. And across the country, efforts to bring biblical truth, prayer, and true morality back into tax-funded schools are proliferating. However, for the most part, the Bible lessons treat the text as merely historical or of literary value rather than the inspired Word of God.
While the news out of Oklahoma and Louisiana may be an encouraging sign for some Christians, parents should understand that government schools are still not a safe place. In fact, the anti-Christian worldview still reigns supreme in government “education” — even in both of the states that recently brought some truth back.

Nowhere does God delegate authority over education to civil government. Adding a Ten Commandments poster or a few lessons on the Bible to unbiblical and even pagan institutions will not fix them. It may be a small step in the right direction. But ultimately, the only biblical solution is a total separation of school and state.
Originally published at FreedomProject Media
Wonderful article and based in truth. I pray more states will follow.
I have to add a cautionary note regarding our pagan government’s Bible teachings.
I took English Literature in university in the late 1960s and we were assigned the Book of Job to read and study. Being a pagan at the time I concluded that an unfair God uses us as pawns as he games with Satan. In the late 1990s I attended my son’s high school open house. Thumbing through his English Literature textbook I noticed the Book of Job in it. I’m not a Christian yet but am aware of the culture wars in the nation. I noted to the teacher that I was surprised to see a book from the Bible in their public school textbook. The teacher’s reply was, “We just teach the Bible is another book of stories.” Can we expect any better from today’s teachers so heavily indoctrinated into cultural Marxism with their own education to teach rightly from the Bible?
Thanks to the First-Commandment violating, polytheism-enabling First Amendment, this means that the Muslims, Hindus, Jews, and even Satanists have just as much “right” to do the same with their religious laws.
To be opposed to any of these religious groups being granted the same access to the public schools while at the same time endorsing the First Amendment is the height of hypocrisy.
To begin with, To promote or defend the First Amendment’s religious freedom is to be guilty of violating the First Commandment. Religious Freedom and Christian Liberty are NOT the same thing. In fact, Christian Liberty (aka biblical dominion) was sacrificed on the altar Religious Freedom.
Without the parameters of the Bible’s moral law, the First Amendment has proven to be a toxic brew. For example, Amendment 1 condemns the prohibition of speech, whether spoken or written. Does the Bible provide for free speech or does it limit speech? What about freedom of speech and freedom of the press as it concerns Yahweh Himself? Does God grant us freedom to curse Him or blaspheme His name?
On the other hand, freedom of speech and freedom of the press is used to provide protection for those who promote false religions, in utero infanticide, sodomy, drug abuse, violence, obscenities, and other abominations condemned by Yahweh.
The provision in Amendment 1 for United States citizens to assemble peaceably appears innocuous. But is it harmless to give sodomites, infanticide advocates, and Satanists the right to assemble peaceably? If you are a proponent of the Constitution and a defender of Amendment 1, you must also champion the rights of such criminals and anti-Christians to assemble and promote their wicked agendas.
Homosexuals and infant assassins claim freedom of speech and the right to assemble to combat Christians who speak out or assemble against these heinous people and their brazen debauchery. By labeling what Christians do as hate crimes, these immoral people are able to employ Amendment 1 against Christians speaking and/or assembling against these atrocities.
According to the Bill of Rights, it is the alleged religious right of these sodomites, baby killers, and Satanists to use Amendment 1 against Christians.
For more, see Chapter 11 “Amendment 1: Government-Sanctioned Polytheism” of free online book “Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective” at bible versus constitution dot org. Click on the top entry on our Online Book page and scroll down to Chapter 11.
Find out how much you really know about the Constitution as compared to the Bible. Take our 10-question Constitution Survey in the sidebar and receive a free copy of the 85-page “Primer” of “BL vs. USC.”
I believe some of the groups you have mentioned in your comment have had access to push their agendas in the public schools for years now. This all began with the introduction of evolution into public schools. They are taught humanism and naturalism, therefore they can do whatever feels good to them. They are their own god. They are taught that there is no absolute truth. They are taught that America is evil and to hate America. They are taught critical race theory which is basically Marxism. They are taught that God doesn’t exist. They are taught that ‘science’ is god.
The public schools were started years ago to teach reading, writing, and arithmetic. Many students are unable to read at or above their grade level. Many adults who have come out of the public school system are illiterate. Most can’t write or even sign their signature in cursive. Most don’t know their math facts without access to a calculator. This is the result even after pouring millions of dollars into the system to try and improve it. It only continues to get worse.
I really don’t think it is going to hurt to add Biblical Christianity back into the curriculum. If anything, God can use it to draw many of these lost students to Himself.