Sympathy for the Devil

For the last couple of weeks, the American people have been bombarded and bamboozled by a media blitz concerning the dismal performance of Biden in the first debate.

I have repeatedly called this ‘Political theater’ and that is precisely what it has been and continues to be.

I titled this piece “Sympathy for the Devil” because we must never forget that Satan leads the Liberal Left in everything they do and say. I believe that it was part of this diabolical plan for Biden to appear more sick and in less control of his cognitive functions than ever before.

I believe that his stay at Camp David for a week before the debate was to purge Biden from any pharmaceuticals he is taking for his cognitive decline. The Left wanted the performance which the world witnessed.

The Author of Confusion

One of the names given to Satan from the Word of God is the author of confusion. The Evil one is proficient in this and a master of it. After Joe’s deplorable performance at the debate, his own party began to suggest that ‘Joe must go’ and the list of viable replacements for him were showing up in media headlines for many days:

  • Gavin Newsom
  • Kamala Harris
  • Michelle Obama
  • Gov Gretchen Whitmer 
  • Hillary Clinton
  • Gov  J.B. Pritzker
  • Gov Josh Shapiro

And the names kept coming as the press simply obeyed their Deep State bosses. Do you actually think that the Left trust their media lap dogs to get it right?  No……no…..the Leftist press wait for the script each day and follow it to the letter.

Meetings at the White House – Supposedly for new strategy

We read about the Dem Governors coming to the White House. What was their purpose?  Many believed that they were there to pick a replacement for Joe. I don’t believe that for a minute.

I believe that the governors were being apprised by the bosses of the strategy and ‘rules’ which would be followed going forward. They wanted everyone involved to be on the same page.

A Star is playing her part well  in this Drama

We have been led to believe that Jill Biden has dug in her heels, and has defiantly refused even the notion that her husband will quit this race.

What is their end game?

I believe that all scenes from this political drama lead to this:  

To paint Joe Biden as a victim, and they have done that brilliantly.

Brethren – the Lefty ‘bosses’ already know that they have this election in the bag using the same tactics from 2020.  The problem was that each poll showed Trump well ahead of Biden.

So the challenge was how to close that gap.

Dems throw in the towel

It is being reported that the Left has capitulated to the desires of Biden, and don’t forget that this is a script that has been playing out since the debate. They are rallying around Biden as if the debate never happened!

According to current polls the worrisome point spread has now narrowed.  Some polls are showing Trump and Biden neck and neck.

Deep State is pleased. Oh, they go by another name:


We must understand that these politicians cannot save us. The Word of God says:

“Some trust in chariots, and some in horses;  But we will remember the name of the LORD our God” (Psalm 20:7).


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