DUBAI — Governments at the United Nations COP28 “climate” summit agreed to “transition” away from “fossil fuels” today. But don’t believe the hype from the media about a “phaseout” or “phase down” of hydrocarbon energy at the UN summit. What is really happening is a planned phaseout of the Western world — what used to be known as Christendom or the “Free World” — as the UN and Western leaders work to usher in a new “multipolar” world order.
Several U.S. senators at the summit were asked by The New American magazine about the absurdity of having the U.S. government commit economic suicide to “save the climate” while Communist China keeps building coal-fired power plants. Unfortunately for Americans, they had few answers to questions about it all, simply insisting that Beijing should follow suit.
🚨At UN #COP28, US Sen. @LisaMurkowski (R-AK) admits #CCP's CO2 emissions are surging with new coal-fired powered plants, even as US govt drives US economy into ground to stop "#climate change." Also, "Inflation Reduction" Act "inartfully named." 🤨 @dbacigalupi @NewAmericanMag
— Alex Newman (@ALEXNEWMAN_JOU) December 12, 2023
Throughout the COP28 “climate” summit, the Biden administration and Western governments pledged ever-more suicidal energy policies and draconian wealth redistribution from the middle class under the guise of saving the planet. According to an analysis by the Heritage Foundation’s Stephen Moore, just the U.S. government’s latest methane promises — a de facto ban on natural-gas power plants — will take out upwards of 60 percent of American electric power generation.
But that pain will not be shared around the world. In fact, officials from the United Arab Emirates and Communist China, among others, were exposed planning to make oil and gas deals at the summit. That is according to leaked documents highlighted by the state-owned British broadcaster BBC and other international media. The head of the state-run oil company, Sultan Al Jaber, actually served as president of COP.
The news was spun by the establishment press to portray the UAE government hosting the climate talks in a negative light. But the real significance of the scandal was lost: It highlights the fact that the anti-energy hysteria and silly “solutions” such as solar panels and windmills being peddled to Western populations by the UN and the media are primarily undermining the economies of Western nations, including Europe and the United States — not China or other autocracies, whose emissions are all soaring with no end in sight.
Ironically, as if to confirm the trend, the next UN Framework Convention on Climate Change “Conference of the Parties” (COP29) will be held in yet another Islamic oil-producing nation, Azerbaijan, where almost half of the GDP comes from hydrocarbon (oil and gas) energy. “Much like this year’s host, the country of 10 million people on the border of Eastern Europe and Western Asia relies heavily on digging up fuels that heat the planet when burned,” reported the U.K. Guardian, one of the most alarmist outlets in the world.
According to the documents prepared by UAE’s COP28 team ahead of the summit, obtained by the “Centre for Climate Reporting” working alongside the BBC, officials had “talking points” outlining some of the proposed energy dealing. For instance, one said UAE’s state-owned oil giant Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) was hoping to “jointly evaluate international LNG [liquefied natural gas] opportunities” with Communist China in Africa and beyond.
“Chinese companies are among our most strategic partners,” explained the official UAE negotiating document that was leaked, noting that ANDOC did oil and gas sales of $15 billion with them over the last year.
It was not just Beijing, however, which is building coal-fired power plants at an unprecedented pace and already emits drastically more CO2 than the entire Western world combined. The UAE negotiators were also hoping to meet with more than 25 other governments on oil and gas deals, according to the documents. ADNOC “stands ready” to help Colombian authorities, for example, develop their nation’s “fossil fuel” resources, according to the documents.
In its defense, the UAE’s state-owned energy giant did agree to invest in a U.K. “wind farm” project. But of course the project hurts Britain, not UAE, and the only reason it is viable for investors is because of huge subsidies by British taxpayers. It would never have gotten off the ground without the being subsidized by wealth extracted from productive sectors and industries to prop it up. In short, it will be a net wealth destroyer, as yet more money is redistributed from struggling British taxpayers and energy consumers to foreign regimes and business interests.
British officials tried to put a happy face on it all as they prepare to flush more taxpayer wealth down the “green energy” tubes. “This is a huge boost for UK renewables, creating more jobs, helping to power three million homes and increasing our energy security,” claimed pagan U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, who is ousting conservatives from government to bring in unpopular globalists such as anti-Brexit extremist and former Prime Minister David Cameron.
Officially, after two weeks of negotiations, the UN “climate” summit produced a deal that calls for “transitioning away” from hydrocarbon energy. “Whilst we didn’t turn the page on the fossil fuel era in Dubai, this outcome is the beginning of the end,” said UN “Climate” Czar Simon Stiell, calling the agreement a “climate action lifeline, not a finish line.” Biden’s “Climate” Czar John Kerry, meanwhile, said the deal “sends very strong messages to the world.”
That was right in line with what UN chief Antonio Guterres, who has been affiliated with the Socialist Party his entire career, demanded at the start of the conference. “We cannot save a burning planet with a firehose of fossil fuels,” he declared. “We must accelerate a just, equitable transition to renewables. The science is clear: The 1.5-degree limit is only possible if we ultimately stop burning all fossil fuels. Not reduce. Not abate. Phaseout — with a clear time frame aligned with 1.5 degrees.”
But the truth did slip out several times during the conference — there will be no “phaseout” for many of the key players. The president of the COP28 conference, ADNOC chief Sultan Al Jaber, outraged climate alarmists worldwide when he ridiculed their pseudo-scientific pronouncements. “I’m not in any way signing up to any discussion that is alarmist,” he told former Irish President Mary Robinson, blasting Western media for being “biased and wrong.” “There is no science out there, or no scenario out there, that says that the phase-out of fossil fuel is what’s going to achieve 1.5C [degrees of supposed global warming].”
When Robinson pointed out that ADNOC was still investing “a lot more” in hydrocarbon energy, Sultan Al Jaber again hit back with truth. “Please help me, show me the roadmap for a phase-out of fossil fuel that will allow for sustainable socioeconomic development, unless you want to take the world back into caves,” he added, blasting her for “pointing fingers” and “contributing to the polarization” in the world. He was exactly right: Ending fossil fuels would destroy civilization and decimate the human population. It would also do essentially nothing to change the temperature, numerous leading scientists have explained to The New American over many years.
It was not just Sultan Al Jaber. Other oil-producing Arab governments also injected a major dose of reality into the summit while undermining the UN-backed Western media narrative. Saudi Arabian Energy Minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman ridiculed the idea that the world would “phase out” hydrocarbon energy. “And I assure you not a single person — I’m talking about governments — believes in that,” he was quoted as saying in the press, letting out facts that everyone who understands what is going on already knew.
The Saudi prince continued demolishing the narrative. “I would like to put that challenge for all of those who … comes out publicly saying we have to (phase down), I’ll give you their name and number, call them and ask them how they are gonna do that,” he said. “If they believe that this is the highest moral ground issue, fantastic. Let them do that themselves. And we will see how much they can deliver.”
Unfortunately, Arab truth-tellers and oil producers may not be able to save the West from Deep State elites determined to suppress energy — and therefore prosperity, security, liberty, and leadership — in the Western world. As this magazine has documented for decades, they are determined to undermine their own nations amid the push for what outfits such as the Council on Foreign Relations and the World Economic Forum have long touted as the “multipolar” world order.
Late oil heir and globalist leader David Rockefeller, one of the top financiers of the “environmental” movement, admitted as much in his own autobiography. “Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure — one world, if you will,” he wrote on page 405. “If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.” Rockefeller also praised the “social experiment” in Communist China under Chairman Mao as “one of the most important and successful in human history.”
As the Biden administration — and the Obama administration before it — has been ruthlessly shutting down power plants and energy exploration, Communist China — with the full support of Western elites — has been building CO2-spewing coal-fired plants like there is no tomorrow. The CCP’s victims already release drastically more CO2 into the atmosphere than all of the West combined, and that is continuing to climb on an almost vertical scale. It will continue regardless of phony pledges the CCP’s operatives may make at UN summits — and everybody knows it.
For the CCP, in addition to making energy costs far cheaper in China and helping lift people out of grinding poverty, the imbalance is also forcing Western industry to relocate there as prices of energy and regulatory compliance surge in the West. Ironically, those coal-fired fired plants being built across China are powering the very factories producing the economically and environmentally devastating solar panels and windmills subsidized by struggling Western taxpayers — systems that will end up imposing even higher costs on American consumers.
And it isn’t just the CCP that is laughing all the way to the bank as Western governments stomp on their citizens and economies. In a series of exclusive reports, The New American magazine exposed various “green” climate lobbying organizations receiving funding from the Russian government and its state-controlled oil industry. According to congressional investigators, the Kremlin was funneling money through a shell company in Bermuda called Klein Limited to the Sea Change Foundation.
This “pass through” outfit, which helps conceal the source of funds being distributed to various far-left organizations, then distributed the money to “green” organizations in the West. Among other policies, many of these organizations advocate an end to energy extraction and development in the Western world — especially in the United States, which possesses enormous oil, gas, and coal resources that could make the U.S. economy a massive net exporter of energy practically overnight, as President Donald Trump demonstrated.
Operatives from some of the groups receiving funding through Sea Change such as the Environmental Defense Fund were actually involved in the Biden administration’s Fifth National Climate Assessment. When asked about it by The New American magazine at an event at the COP28 summit, the two primary authors and coordinators of the controversial report deflected and offered non-answers to the question as other journalists in the room giggled.
“As you know, there has been criticism of the Fifth National Climate Assessment for relying on experts in politicized environmental groups,” this writer said in prefacing the question. “Some of these groups, whose people were involved in creating this report, come from the Environmental Defense Fund and other groups receiving funds from the Sea Change Foundation, which congressional investigators said was receiving Russian money via a shell corporation in Bermuda called Klein Ltd. Why were these people brought in?” Both of the U.S. officials declined to provide answers.