BAKU, Azerbaijan — Hand over at least a trillion dollars per year for “climate finance,” or else. And do it while waging war on your own economy. How? By restricting affordable energy, agriculture, transportation, and other key sectors responsible for dreaded “emissions.” That is the main message from governments and international bureaucrats at this year’s United Nations “climate” summit. And it’s not over yet.
Robbing the Western Middle Class
While many other issues are being discussed, the primary objective of the 29th annual UN global-warming confab is to fund a permanent mechanism for extracting and redistributing trillions of dollars — literally — from what remains of the Western middle class. It is premised on the idea that CO2 emissions from the West have caused “climate change.” Therefore, Western governments owe “developing” countries “reparations.”
Warned UN Climate Change boss Simon Stiell:
We can no longer rely on small streams of finance. We need torrents of funding. They need to be easier to access, especially for the most vulnerable countries that often face the biggest barriers…. The global financial system must evolve to meet these needs…. The funding exists. We need to unlock and unblock it.
UN Secretary-General António Guterres, former leader of the Socialist International, echoed those demands in his opening speech at the summit:
COP29 must tear down the walls of climate finance. Developing countries must not leave Baku empty-handed. A deal is a must…. Critical to success [is] a significant increase in concessional public finance [and mobilization of] the trillions of dollars developing countries need.
We need climate justice. Particularly, a surge in pledges to the new Loss and Damage Fund, and commitments turning into cash — with finance pouring into the Fund’s coffers.… There is no time to lose. On climate finance, the world must pay up, or humanity will pay the price…. Climate finance is not charity, it’s an investment. Climate action is not optional, it’s an imperative.
Among other sources of funding, Stiell, Guterres, and even rulers of “developing” nations such as the Chinese Communist Party called for Western governments to start handing over trillions from their taxpayers. They are also calling on tax-funded “multilateral development banks” such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund to step up. Even the private sector is being called upon to fork over the cash.
International Taxes, Carbon Markets, Carbon Credits
Guterres, meanwhile, called for new taxes on everything from shipping and aviation to energy production. “Polluters must pay,” he said, reiterating the UN’s hypothesis that human emissions of CO2 are driving dangerous climate change. “The resources available may seem insufficient. But they can be multiplied with a meaningful change in how the multilateral system works. Big sums require big change.”
Just as significant as the new taxes and outright wealth redistribution, Guterres also demanded that governments create “effective carbon markets.” This would allow Big Banks and Big Oil, among other cronies, to extract enormous amounts of money from energy consumers and taxpayers under the guise of putting a “price” on emissions of the gas of life (CO2) exhaled by every person on Earth.
According to leading officials at the UN summit, there is broad agreement on the idea of creating a new market out of thin air to trade “carbon” credits. “There is consensus on the carbon market issue that was an immediate result of COP,” argued Hikmet Hajiyev, foreign policy advisor to Islamo-Marxist dictator of Azerbaijan dictator Ilham Aliyev. He added that the “loss and damage” (reparations) fund would also be “operational” soon.
Wealth Transfers Up to $2 Trillion
Helping lead the charge is an alliance of 134 governments and dictatorships known as the Group of 77 Plus China (G77 + China). The coalition, which includes numerous mass-murdering regimes infamous for oppression and pollution, is demanding at least $1.3 trillion annually starting in 2026 from taxpayers in the United States, Europe, Canada, Australia, Japan, and South Korea.
Separately, a report from the “Independent High-Level Expert Group on Climate Finance” found that annual wealth transfers would have to increase to “at least” $1.3 trillion per year within a decade if governments do not “act now” to rein in alleged climate change. Meanwhile, a parade of “economists” at COP29 claimed a bare minimum would be $1 trillion per year, a figure that has been widely echoed in media reports.
Under the heading of New Collective Quantified Goal (NCQG) for “climate finance” in the draft agreement, options originally ranged from $100 billion up to $2 trillion as of last week. The latest draft mentions that the number will be in the “trillions,” but does not specify a precise figure yet. Where all that money will come from, where it will go, and how it will be extracted is not yet clear as “climate negotiators” enter the final stretch.
So far, the European Union and its member regimes have indicated a willingness to increase the current figures from around $116 billion in 2022 to potentially two to three times that much. However, with Donald Trump returning to the White House and Republican majorities in control of both houses of Congress next year, the Biden administration’s promises to funnel more U.S. wealth are being viewed with skepticism.
Western Leaders Complicit
Still, plenty of Western leaders are excited about the prospect of handing out more of their struggling taxpayers’ money into the “loss and damage” and “green climate” slush funds. Aside from the EU, numerous European governments have pledged to send their taxpayers’ wealth to Third World kleptocracies in ever larger amounts for as long as it takes.
Success at COP29 means getting “the amount of money [needed] flowing from the developed world to the developing world,” argued former U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair, outlining various ways that could happen. With that in mind, current far-left Prime Minister Keir Starmer took the stage in Baku and boasted of a plan to “mobilize” almost $100 billion.
Tony Blair at COP29: You need money going from rich to poor countries [via World Bank debt-slave loans]. Developing countries will increase power generation. They want air travel, but they should use renewables & develop sustainably.
— Tim Hinchliffe (@TimHinchliffe) November 13, 2024
The Biden administration boasted that it spent over $11 billion of U.S. taxpayer money on surging levels of “bilateral climate financing” just this year. “The fight against climate change has been a defining cause of President Biden’s leadership and presidency,” gushed a statement by the administration as COP29 got underway. That $11 billion makes “The United States the largest bilateral provider of climate finance in the world.”
Taxing Meat and Dairy
There were countless proposals offered for siphoning more wealth from the Western middle class, including taxes on meat, as just one example. Speaking on a panel at the UN summit, True Animal Protein Price (TAPP) Coalition Managing Director Jeroom Remmers called for new taxes on farmers and ranchers to put into the slush funds. “Producers of meat and dairy should pay for the damage they cause,” argued Remmers.
“We also want to give some of the revenues of those taxes to consumers to reduce prices of healthy foods like vegetables, fruits, and plant-based meat [sic],” he continued. “On top of that, if there’s money left, it’s really important [that] we should also pay for the loss and damage fund, because when we eat meat and dairy this is causing like 20 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions.”
At #COP29Azerbaijan, Jeroom Remmers says "Producers of meat & dairy should pay for the damage they cause [to climate]. It’s normal, when I damage the window of my neighbor, I have to repair this damage, but meat & dairy processors also have to repair the damage they cause"
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) November 12, 2024
Trump and America
The agenda to extort Americans ran into some serious difficulties with the reelection of Trump. The president-elect, who has repeatedly called the man-made global-warming hypothesis a “hoax” and a “scam,” has been a major obstacle to the agenda already. And despite some signs of hope for climate alarmists, it is only expected to get worse for the narrative once Trump is sworn in next year.
It is widely assumed that, among other policies, he will follow through on promises to again exit the UN Paris Agreement and stop the flow of U.S. tax money to the UN’s “climate” process. While some attendees expressed hope that he may change his mind, governments were frantically searching for new ways to make up the shortfall even as state and local leaders pledged to keep working with the UN.
Most Americans, of course, do not even believe the man-made global-warming hypothesis, recent polls show. Only about a third of Republicans buy in. And so, two longer-term strategies to keep the “climate” agenda on the march despite Trump are censoring dissent and indoctrinating children. Both of those schemes received a major boost at COP29 in Baku.
Censorship and Indoctrination
After partnering with Google to promote UN propaganda on climate and silence critics two years ago, UN boss Guterres announced a new partnership with UNESCO and the Marxist, censorship-obsessed regime of Brazil called the “Global Initiative for Information Integrity on Climate Change.” The goal is to fight “climate disinformation,” Guterres said. Few details have been released so far.
On the education front, the Islamo-Marxist regime in Azerbaijan partners with UNESCO and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development to include “climate literacy” in international standardized academic tests. Known as PISA, the global assessments are used worldwide. With “climate” added in by 2029, the UN will be able to ensure that all governments are adequately brainwashing children in public schools.
To find out what’s really going on regarding anything, it’s essential to “follow the money.” Governments and the UN are plotting to steal trillions from the embattled middle class in what used to be known as “Christendom” or the “Free World.” And it will all be handed out to kleptocrats and their cronies. It has nothing to do with “climate change,” which serves as a convenient albeit discredited pretext.
This proposed grand theft on a global scale masquerading as “climate finance” represents an existential threat to liberty, prosperity, and civilization. With trillions at their disposal to oppress humanity and dismantle freedom, the united tyrants of the world will be almost unstoppable. As such, the incoming Trump administration and Congress must treat this as the mortal threat that it is.
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These quotes are shocking. Grateful for this reporting!
These idiots have been given over we must stand up to these satan worshiping money grubbing thieves until jesus returns that includes setting the record straight with family and friends that believe in this satanic behavior