DUBAI — Throughout the UN COP28 climate summit, Western governments, including the Biden administration, pledged to hand over more and more billions in new taxpayer funding for climate “reparations” and a “Green Climate Fund” aimed at bringing regimes ruling poorer countries to heel, among other schemes. But self-proclaimed world leaders made clear that this is just the start. Ultimately, global taxes and “trillions” in funding will be demanded under the guise of bringing about “climate justice,” the leaders declared.
The latest wealth-redistribution schemes came even as voters and taxpayers in nations such as Argentina and the Netherlands (among others) were increasingly rejecting the parties, politicians, and policies behind them. Meanwhile, recent polls show most American adults reject the man-made climate-change hypothesis. That put U.S. officials in an awkward position at the climate summit in a major oil-producing nation on the Arabian peninsula. Asked by The New American about their promises to extract ever-greater sums of money from what remains of America’s middle class even in the face of public incredulity and the prospect of Donald Trump coming back to the White House, U.S. Senator Chris Coons (D-Del.) put it bluntly: “We’ll continue to move forward, regardless.”
Right from the start, Western governments and Japan pledged enormous sums for what was portrayed as climate “reparations” to governments of poorer nations. Dubbed the “loss and damage” fund by the UN and its members, the concept was agreed to last year at COP27 in Egypt. The narrative behind it holds that since freer Western peoples developed first, they have put more CO2 into the atmosphere, and therefore must pay Third World governments who misrule poverty-stricken populations for the alleged harm caused by it. Every flood, tornado, hurricane, drought, or weather-related disaster is now assumed to be caused by American and European CO2 emissions.
All of this is based on the dubious and widely ridiculed hypothesis that human emissions of carbon dioxide, known to scientists as the “gas of life,” constitute “pollution” that must be reduced via taxes and regulations to prevent alleged man-made climate change. CO2 makes up about 0.04 percent of the atmosphere, with human emissions of the gas — including exhalation — making up just a tiny fraction of that. The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) claims reducing this trace gas exhaled by all human beings will prevent “climate change.”
But to compensate alleged victims for the “climate changes” that have already resulted from Western CO2 emissions over the last century — and will still supposedly come — this loss and damage fund was agreed to in principle at last year’s UN climate summit in Egypt. With no trial and no jury — and no opportunity to even present a defense — Joe Biden and his climate czar John Kerry pleaded guilty on behalf of the United States. Biden echoed socialist UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ claim that this process would help protect humanity from looming “climate hell.” Other Western governments also pleaded guilty on behalf of their nations.
The Great Giveaway
This year, sentencing took place. On the very first day of COP28 in Dubai, governments began making pledges to fleece their taxpayers. The German government pledged $100 million, while Japanese authorities promised to hand over $10 million to start. The Biden administration pledged $17.5 million for the reparations fund, and the European Union (EU) vowed to offer €200 million. But that is just a start, as they all emphasized. Third World regimes are demanding at least $100 billion per year just for this new fund as part of what they call “climate justice.”
The fund, which will be housed at the World Bank for now as policymakers try to find a permanent home for it, is separate from the infamous “Green” climate slush fund agreed to in Paris at COP21. That fund has been in existence for years. It is being used to bribe Third World governments into keeping their people in poverty by prohibiting abundant energy and restricting resource development. Biden and Obama have already funneled billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars into that one, in flagrant defiance of federal laws banning U.S. funds for international organizations that recognize the “State of Palestine,” even as Communist China and other nations increase their gargantuan CO2 footprint.
Early on in the conference, the Biden administration pledged $3 billion of additional U.S. taxpayer funds for the “Green” slush fund. That figure is in addition to $10 billion pledged for the fund by European governments and the Japanese government. But even all that is just the tip of the iceberg of what the Biden administration has pledged and planned under the guise of saving the climate. Hundreds of billions of dollars in “climate” spending were authorized in the deceptively named “Inflation Reduction Act.” And as multiple U.S. senators told The New American, that spending will get Republican states and politicians on board with the agenda going forward.
The administration released a statement portraying Biden as a generous climate hero dedicated to saving the planet with Americans’ tax money. “Since day one, President Biden, Vice President [Kamala] Harris, and the entire Biden-Harris Administration have treated climate change as the existential threat of our time,” the White House said in the announcement of the new funding. “After spearheading the most significant climate action in history at home and leading efforts to tackle the climate crisis abroad, the United States heads into the 28th U.N. Climate Change Conference (COP28) in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE) with unprecedented momentum.”
“Climate” activists funded by the Kremlin, European taxpayers, and the Rockefeller oil dynasty — infamous for financing racial eugenics and population control — celebrated the loss and damage developments. “The responsibility now lies with affluent nations to meet their financial obligations in a manner proportionate to their role in the climate crisis,” Climate Action Network (CAN) “head of global political strategy” Harjeet Singh was quoted as saying in media reports about the developments.
As The New American documented at the 2019 UN climate summit in Madrid, the largest financier of CAN is the Sea Change Foundation. Congressional investigations revealed that the Sea Change Foundation had received almost $25 million from a shell corporation in Bermuda known as “Klein Ltd.” and controlled by Putin cronies and Russian energy interests. When asked by The New American about the funding, a Russian official simply laughed.
But even all the new billions are just the starting point for massive planetary wealth redistribution, top officials made clear. That wealth redistribution is explicitly called for in Goal 10 of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), dubbed the “master plan for humanity” by leading UN officials and adopted by Obama and all other UN member states in 2015.
King Charles of the U.K., who flew to the event in one of several private jets taken to the summit by U.K. officials despite serving as among the world’s leading “climate” bullies, demanded at least $5 trillion to supposedly stave off a climate crisis. “How can we bring together our public, private, philanthropic and NGO [nongovernmental organization] sectors ever more effectively, so that they all play their part in delivering climate action?” he asked in his speech opening the UN summit, warning of “dangerous, uncharted territory” ahead.
Tax money will be key, he explained, but the private sector will also be coerced into forking over ever-greater sums. “With the private sector firmly at the table … we could mobilize the trillions of dollars we need, in the order of four-and-a-half to five trillion a year, to drive the transformation we need,” the British monarch declared, without specifying who would pay, how they would be forced to pay, or where exactly the gargantuan sums of money would be going. Estimates suggest the British royal family is worth almost $30 billion, but Charles did not pledge any of his family’s enormous unearned wealth at the summit.

The Global Taxman Cometh
As for how those trillions will be “unlocked” or “mobilized,” as the globalist narrative puts it, International Monetary Fund boss Kristalina Georgieva called for governments to impose a global “carbon tax” on humanity. “We are very keen to give the biggest possible incentive for decarbonization, which is putting a price on carbon,” the Bulgarian IMF chief said at the UN summit. “That price needs to go up, up, up if we are to speed up decarbonization.”
Another supposed benefit of “carbon taxes” (really CO2 taxes) would be raising even more money for government, declared Georgieva — as if government absorbing and squandering 40 percent to 75 percent of everything people produce around the world were not enough. “We are a huge proponent of carbon price,” added the IMF bigwig, whose institution has long been groomed to eventually serve as a global central bank.
In addition to “creating liquidity” by issuing Special Drawing Rights out of thin air and handing them to member governments, the IMF is also building a globally interoperable system for central bank digital currencies. Leading World Economic Forum luminaries have repeatedly expressed hope that these digital currencies will be used to track and control every individual’s “carbon footprint.”
Journalist Leo Hohmann slammed the IMF chief’s comments. “Georgieva is a globalist elitist sitting there at COP28 under the banner of the IMF and World Bank, admitting in the wide open that what the globalists want is a global tax that punishes people for driving gas-powered cars, heating their homes, cooking on gas ranges, eating meat, flying on planes, etc.,” he said. “These are all things that your typical middle-class family sees not as luxuries but as everyday necessities. If the globalists get their way, only the rich will be able to afford these things. The rest of us will be left to fend for ourselves in cold, dank little apartments, riding our bicycles to work, or catching the bus, while coming home to a dinner of meal worms and crickets. No thanks.”
But as globalists and climate alarmists plotted the heist of trillions, resisters were pushing back hard. Climate skeptics across the Western world in particular have been slamming the whole UN process as a fraud. As the summit was still in its first week, U.S. Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah) introduced a bill to defund not just the “climate” movement but the whole UN. And around the world, political leaders who reject the “climate” agenda have been performing well in polls. Most Americans and most Republicans in Congress reject even the man-made climate-change hypothesis underpinning the whole edifice, although a number of GOP lawmakers who claim to believe it are participating in COP28.
Read the rest of the article at The New American.