A valiant woman, who should be honored as a hero for her courage and willingness to speak out against the election fraud that she, herself, became aware of in her own county — is instead behind bars, sentenced to 9 years, another victim of lawfare, the weaponization of law, that became so rampant during the Biden administration’s [In]justice Department.
Tina Peters was the Republican voter registrar and city clerk over Mesa County, Colorado, during the 2020 election. She thought the voting in her county was fair, accurate, and above board, until she met and heard Dr. Douglas Frank, who came to her county to speak. Frank is a PhD physics scientist and expert on computers and voting machines who was touring the nation speaking about the possibility of fraud because of the use of the voting machines. Dr. Frank had been designing electronics and software for computing programs ever since he was a teenager and had been mathematically modeling elections since the 1980s. Because of his background, he was asked by the state legislators of Pennsylvania to investigate their election machines in 2020. He was able to reverse engineer the algorithms that were used to manipulate the voting machines and prove that, yes, the machines were able to rig the election in 2020 for Joe Biden.
After meeting with Dr. Frank, Ms. Peters followed his advice to have her voting machines examined and the data backed up. When Peters asked her own IT people to do that, for some reason, they refused. So, Peters turned to the expert whom Dr. Frank had recommended. When she saw the evidence from the forensic images that there were systemic problems with her machines—that they had built-in wireless connections so they could be remotely programmed to produce a different election result than what was the honest tally—she did not try to ignore it or hide it as many other registrars had done. She began to speak out about this problem herself to bring it before the public’s eye so it could be rectified. In fact, she joined Dr. Frank and others in some of his speaking engagements across the nation. And she also decided to run for Secretary of State, where, if she won, she would truly have the power to clean up the elections and make sure election fraud would never happen again in Colorado.
On May 21, 2023, a group led by Dr. Frank and Tina Peters came to Santa Rosa, CA, and spoke to a large gathering of conservatives, Eagle Forum members, and Republicans. Dr. Frank’s group was brought to us by Rhonda Provost, who had started a local voter integrity group working with Dr. Frank called “Patriot Force.” My husband and I attended the meeting, along with about 100 others. We were very impressed with what Dr. Frank and Tina Peters told us, as well as the message from the other speakers.
Tina Peters was Arrested: What thanks did Tina Peters get for her courage to speak out and try to correct the voting fraud going on in Colorado and across our nation? On August 5, 2022, according to ColoradoPolitics.com, she was arrested, removed from her office, and charged with six felonies and four misdemeanors connected to “alleged tampering with election equipment and security breaches.” She was released on bail until her trial, which finally took place two years later. After a two-week trial, on August 12, 2024, according to kkco11news.com, she was found guilty of six charges against her. Peters and her attorneys continued to plead her innocence. They stated, “The actions she is accused of taking were not illegal, and the charges that she is facing do not fit her alleged actions.”
Alex Newman interviewed Tina Peters in January of 2022 on election fraud evidence being deleted by George Soros-backed team in Colorado. Watch:
The Charges Against Her: The IT expert, whom Peters had asked to come and examine the voting machines and back up their data on the suggestion of Dr. Frank, had asked to remain anonymous, so Tina borrowed a name badge of an IT employee named Gerald Woods to put on the man just for the short time he was there. [Gerald Woods had tried to back up the data but was not able to do so. He gave Peters permission to try someone else.] One of the charges against her was called “criminal impersonation,” but that was later dropped. The expert was supposedly “not authorized,” even though Peters had the right as the Voter Registrar to invite anyone she wanted, and her IT person had given her permission to do so.
Supposedly, there is a Colorado law that anyone who examines the machines “has to be an employee who has passed a criminal background check.” The felony charges against Peters were “three counts of attempting to influence a public servant; conspiracy to commit criminal impersonation; a second conspiracy charge that includes “cause liability.” The misdemeanor charges were: “identity theft; first-degree official misconduct, violation of duty, and failure to comply with requirements of the Secretary of State.” In the trial, Peters was acquitted of three of the nine charges: criminal impersonation, conspiracy to commit criminal impersonation, and identity theft.
It sounds like all of these charges were just trumped up and created out of the blue specifically to punish Peters and put her away for a long time. Could these charges have been created also because at the time, Peters was running for Secretary of State? And just as with the case of Trump, Democrat Party leaders were trying their best to prevent her from being elected by using lawfare against her. This is what Jena Griswold, the incumbent Secretary of State, who won the election, said of Peters: “Ultimately, we cannot allow a person, especially someone like Tina Peters, who was elected to oversee and execute Mesa County’s elections, to compromise Colorado’s election equipment or election protocol.” Griswold sued Peters, removed her from her office, and filed charges against her.
Peters Pled Not Guilty to all Charges: She maintained her innocence from the start and dismissed the charges as part of a “politically motivated attempt by officials to muzzle supporters of former President Donald Trump.”
The Sentencing and Incarceration: On Oct. 3, 2024, just a month before the November election, Peters was sentenced to 9 years in prison and immediately taken and incarcerated. She has served six months in the Larimer County jail in Fort Collins, where suspicion has it she has even been put in solitary confinement to punish her. A rally is scheduled by her loyal followers and fans on March 1 in Fort Collins, asking for her release. It is a “FREE TINA RALLY” from 11am to 2pm at the Timberline and Prospect intersection.
Legal Filing – The Trial Was a Violation of the Constitution: According to the Rocky Mountain Voice of Feb. 10, 2025, Peters’ attorneys filed a habeas corpus petition on Feb. 7 in the U.S. District Court in Colorado challenging her incarceration. Peters claims she was following federal law by doing her duty to preserve election backup and data for 22 months after an election. Federal law should have shielded her from state charges and given her a certain level of immunity. Peters also claims the denial of bond that she received pending appeal was a violation of her Constitutional rights. The petition, filed under 28 U.S.C. § 2254, also claims multiple constitutional violations in her trial.
Part II – “ Let My Tina Go”
After six months in jail, from October to February 2025, Tina Peter’s health is failing her. A large group of men involved in the election integrity movement and very concerned about Tina held a nationwide, all-day Zoom conference and prayer time in her behalf, Feb. 8, 2025, called “Let My Tina Go.”

The Zoom conference was organized by Mark Cook, a cybersecurity expert and election integrity advocate. The Rocky Mountain Voice, in their article of Feb. 10, also reported on the Zoom conference. It started at 11:00 a.m. and lasted until 7:30 p.m. Here is a list of the many speakers and their backgrounds: Pastor Andy Thompson opened with scripture reading and prayer; Joe Hoft, an author and journalist who has written several books about election fraud: Dr. Douglas Frank, a PhD physics scientist and expert on computers and voting machines; Shawn Smith, an expert on cybersecurity and software developer; Doug Gould, forensic expert; Attorney David Clement, law professor; Jeff O’Donnell; forensic expert; Professor David Clementi; Clay Parikh – also an expert in cybersecurity and a certified ethical hacker; Professor Walter Daugherty, emeritus, who taught at Texas A&M in Computer science. Here are highlights from two of the speakers:
Dr. Douglas Frank: “Tina Peters never received a fair trial.It was a mockery of justice.” Dr. Frank was a key witness in Peter’s trial, but he was not allowed to testify, nor were any other key witnesses allowed to testify, who could have proven her innocence because so much evidence about the voter fraud through the Dominion voting machines would have come out, and those behind the voting machine fraud could not allow that. According to Dr. Frank, the trial was rigged before it even began. Whenever Peters’ attorneys would attempt to bring forth evidence in her defense, or a key witness, the prosecutors would say, “Oh, that has already been ruled out in a pre-trial hearing.” The judge, Matthew Barret, would accept that and move on. The jury was not able to hear any true defense of Peters at all. When it was all over, Peters stated that she forgave the jury for their verdict “because the evidence they got was only one-sided.” Dr. Frank added that Dan Rubinstein, the District Attorney for Mesa County, who was part of the prosecution team, made the following public statement: “We are making a public example of Tina Peters. We are going to scare every other clerk in the country from ever letting this happen again.”
What it Means to be “Tina Petered?” Although Dr. Frank was not allowed to testify at Peters trial, he was finally able to speak in her defense on Oct. 3, the day of her sentencing, though it did little good then, but at least it is on the public record. Frank mentioned that Peters is a “gold star” mom, whose only son had died in the military just a few years before, and a “gold star” person, that she acted with the “highest integrity and concern for the voters. She never had any selfish motives.” He praised her for her courage. Frank said that he has spoken to city clerks and voter registrars in 48 states across the nation. At first, many would listen like Tina did. Now most of them panic. They are afraid to speak up or ask difficult questions of their state officials. Why? Because of what has happened to Tina Peters. There is actually a verb for it now. They say, “I don’t want to be TinaPetered. I have a family to feed.”In other words, the verb has come to mean: “I cannot admit any voter fraud in my county elections or even question them or I will face harsh treatment, possibly lose my job, and maybe end up in prison just like Tina Peters.” Thus, voter registrars across the country have become silenced.
Attorney David Clements, a former law professor, was another speaker on the all-day Zoom broadcast. He believes that Peters, as the County Clerk and Registrar, was the primary custodian of the voter records. She had every right to do what she did, and she should have been immune from prosecution because she was following not only state law but also federal law, which stated that she was to have her voting machines backed up and election data preserved for 22 months after an election. He stated, “The Supremacy Clause prohibits actions by states that conflict with federal law,” thus she should never have been prosecuted. “The fact that she was pulled through a ‘kangaroo court’ preceding is disgusting.” Clements agreed with Dr. Frank that Peters was “deprived of an affirmative defense…critical evidence was withheld from the jury, particularly the federal requirement for election record retention,” which he believes was central to the case. The trial court refused to allow the jury to hear anything about “the federal statutory command to preserve election records.” He also said that what Peters did by backing up her records prevented Dominion from coming in and wiping all the 2020 election files, as they did in New Mexico, where he lives. Dominion was committing crimes.
The rest of the “Let My Tina Go” conference tells of three separate reports on what the forensic experts found in the Dominion Voting Machines, showing the evidence of much fraud. The conference shows the documentary movie that was made about Tina Peters’ life and the persecution she has been facing called “[S]election Code.” Each of the men speaking at the conference says that without Tina Peters and her courage to expose what she did, none of the truth about this election fraud would have been available and so clear. Professor Walter Dougherty said, “Mesa County is the ‘Rosetta Stone’ to see how the election was stolen in other places.”
It is very sad to think Tina Peters is now in prison for her efforts. Again, what an amazing show of lawfare and persecution against one person who evil people in government want to silence and to use as an example to silence others! If Peters had been a Democrat Registrar, and she was speaking out about the use of machines to change the outcome of another election when a Democrat was supposed to have won (for example, the 2016 election when Hillary and others were complaining of voter fraud with the use of voting machines and that the election was rigged by Russia), then Peters probably would be praised as a hero. But because Peters is a Republican and was speaking out against the use of rigged machines in the 2020 election, which many believe Trump won, she is called “an enemy of the state” and must be imprisoned. It is amazing how similar this all sounds to the lawfare and injustice that was going on during the former Soviet Union with their many arrests, their one-sided “show trials,” and long imprisonment in gulags of “political prisoners,” exactly what Tina Peters is experiencing.
What Can We Do to Help?
Please write or call Governor Jared Polis, State Capitol Building 200 E. Colfax Ave., Rm. 136 Denver, CO 80203, or Email the Governor: [email protected], or phone 303-866-2471 and ask for him to pardon Tina Peters or at least let her out of prison on bond, let her return home, waiting a decision on her appeal. This should also be done because of her deteriorating health. According to Clemens, “She is pale, has lost weight, and has difficulties with memory and word-finding.”
Since this is a state case, President Trump is not able to pardon Tina Peters, but his Attorney General, Pam Bondi Could Possibly Help:Attorney Clemens suggested, “There’s no reason why Pam Bondi could not file a lawsuit of some kind for a declaratory judgment on whether or not there was a violation of the Supremacy Clause.” Pam Bondi’s email address is [email protected]. Her mailing address is 1 SE 3rd Ave, #9, Miami, FL 33131. Her phone number is 305-377-5441.
Tina Peters was striving to do her duty as she was elected to do—as the voter registrar and clerk for Mesa County to ensure that the 2020 election and future elections would be honest and fair. She should be exonerated for her courage and efforts to expose the election fraud caused by the voting machines, not imprisoned, not even for a day, but especially not for 9 years! Please do your part to help secure her freedom. Please also pray for her freedom and for her health so that she can endure her difficult days ahead.
(Much of this information also came from a recently published book on the subject of lawfare and how it was used against Trump and the J6ers, The Waning Death of Lady Justice – Slain by Lawfare, available at BooksforTruth.com).