Artificial Intelligence in the Censorship Era

On July 29 Heritage Minister Pascale St-Onge announced that the government of Ottawa is providing $300,000 to researchers at Université de Montréal to develop an AI tool to help detect disinformation online. The idea is that “This technology will help implement effective behavioral nudges to mitigate the proliferation of ‘fake news’ stories in online communities” as reported by The Epoch Times. This bold authoritarian move naturally raises concerns about to what extent the censorship will go, especially as Neuralink and other brain computer interface (BCI) technology increasingly become a reality in our lives.

On Monday, December 27, 2021, Australian man Phil O’Keefe, a 62-year-old ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) patient was the first person to post a tweet using only his brain, through Synchron’s brain-computer interface, as reported by Unlike Neuralink, there was no need to drill a hole in his skull, as they were able to implant the chip in his brain by going in through a carotid artery.

The long term goal of BCI technology is not just to help people that have major life altering disabilities. The idea is that eventually every human being will have a chip in their brain so they can directly interact with machines. This is part of what is known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the merger of biology and technology. Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum has stated his desire for every human being to have a brain chip by the year 2030, at which time everything you think, dream, or imagine would be recorded! He even hopes for a future where governments will have the ability not only to monitor your thoughts, but also to edit the thoughts that the government views as bad or undesirable!

In June 2019, the United Nations entered into a strategic partnership with the World Economic Forum called “The United Nations -World Economic Forum Strategic Partnership Framework for the 2030 Agenda”. In the fourth key focus area titled Digital Cooperation, it states, “Collaboration between the UN and the Forum to meet the needs of the Fourth Industrial Revolution will seek to advance global analysis, dialogue and standards for digital governance and digital inclusiveness; and promote public-private partnerships to address global reskilling and lifelong learning for the future requirements for work and preparing the world’s 1.8 billion young people for this transition.”

As stated above, a key aspect of implementing the Fourth Industrial Revolution is Public Private Partnerships, which is essentially a merger of state and corporate power. There are currently hundreds of corporations and nonprofits that are partners with the World Economic Forum, which could eventually make certain aspects of the Fourth Industrial Revolution unavoidable in everyone’s daily life.

For years, digital data has been a multibillion-dollar industry. Advancements in technology have made it possible to find information that at one time used to be private. For example, the website buys the data necessary to make it possible to find someone’s cell phone number for free. With BCI technology, the same concept could potentially be used to mine brain data and create “thought logs”. This would allow anyone the ability to peer into someone else’s brain and reveal the most private kinds of personal information, simply by downloading an app!

Digital data is already used for political and commercial marketing purposes. Every time we download an app, click “agree” to terms of service, or use a loyalty rewards card, our data is being collected and sold. BCI technology could lead to a world where political polling is done based on brain data. Currently, social media is monitored to measure real time reactions to a State of the Union speech or a political debate. If the WEF is successful, there could come a day where this could all be done with real time data collected directly from people’s brains! This scenario would inevitably lead to a world where custom AI ads are generated based on each individual person’s thoughts. Big tech has already been able to manipulate political information to influence election outcomes. This will only broaden their power and influence and tighten their grip over our political process.

In this vision of the future, everyone would likely be given a brain score based on the data collected from their thoughts. It is almost certain that in the same way that big tech manipulates data for political purposes, the scoring would be rigged to favor implementation of the “sustainability” goals of Agenda 2030, which the World Economic Forum and their hundreds of private sector partners are working together to implement. These goals include global redistribution of wealth, universal health coverage and strengthening the World Health Organization, affordable vaccines for all, complete free, equitable and quality primary and secondary education, global citizenship, universal access to sexual and reproductive health, integrated and sustainable human settlement planning and management in all countries, adaptation to climate change, a multilateral trading system under the World Trade Organization, broadening and strengthening the participation of developing countries in the institutions of global governance, promote the rule of law at the national and international levels, as well as several others.

Recently Jordan Peterson, political commentator and professor emeritus with the University of Toronto psychology department, was “ordered by the College of Psychologists of Ontario to undergo a coaching program on professionalism in public statements” due to his “online commentary directed at politicians, a plus-sized model, and transgender actor Elliot Page, among other issues” according to CBC news. Even worse, in England, several people were recently jailed for supposedly inflammatory posts that they made on social media. If the Fourth Industrial Revolution is allowed to prevail, having thoughts that go against the “progressive” politically correct globalist 2030 Agenda could potentially dictate things like your ability to get or keep a job, or even to patronize certain businesses. Worse yet, you could end up in some sort of “brain retraining” camp, or even in jail, not only for having unapproved thoughts, but it is possible that algorithms will be used to do “predictive policing” based on how likely you are to commit a “thought crime” in the future! In this dystopian scenario, the 5th Amendment right to not incriminate oneself could potentially be thrown out, as data from your own thoughts would be used against you!

There are inevitably endless billions of dollars to be made in the field of brain data, with technocratic rule by “experts” the unfortunate likely end result. The Fourth Industrial Revolution could make prominent strides through bold initiatives where companies require their employees to get brain chipped. Society could also gradually be made to fall in line in the same way that things like face ID and digital payments currently make our lives more convenient. The day could eventually come where it is almost impossible to function in society without a brain chip, just like it is currently almost impossible to function in society without the internet. Are you prepared for the day when your life could be permanently altered and your ability to live freely called into question, just because according to some big tech algorithm, you thought the wrong thought?

About the author:

Brandon is a freelance journalist based in the metro-Milwaukee area. His work has been featured in Liberty Sentinel Media, Wisconsin Conservative Digest, and Reality News Media. He has worked full-time in politics for six years. This includes leading successful campaigns for legislatures at the state and congressional levels, and successful deployments to get bills passed in Kentucky and Texas. On his spare time, he enjoys weightlifting, running, hiking, and listening to classic rock.

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