*The most controversial and radical candidate in modern history was just named as Joe Biden’s running mate. We take a look at Kamala Harris’ appalling record on human rights, misconduct, and corruption in California. Black Lives Matter has not responded which makes you wonder if they got exactly the candidate they wanted to control for their radical Marxist agenda. We also try to #CancelMarx for his racist, genocidal Darwinian views. Join Alex Newman and Sean Jackson of Liberty Sentinel weekly to discuss what is Behind the Narrative. Check out LibertySentinel.org for all updates.
*Tonight’s guest has appeared on The Alex Jones Show, Coast to Coast, and has been debating conspiracies for decades. While most people know David Weiss for questioning the shape of the earth and NASA, he has been an activist on liberty issues for years. He appeared on our show when the lockdowns first started, and he predicted that they would last for months, or years. He has been incredibly vocal about the tyranny of face masks and Coronavirus propaganda that was coming out in the media before it was acceptable to speak out. Come out, and judge his ideas for yourself as we continue Liberty Week with “COVID 1984” tonight at 9 pm EST.
*Bookmark Liberty Sentinel for hard-hitting journalism while we follow the stories that you should know with some of the best partners we could find.
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