Alex Newman Explains UN Agenda 2030 Behind Farming Restrictions

By Ella Kietlinska and Joshua Philipp July 20, 2022 Updated: July 20, 2022

The United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for sustainable development informs government policies to restrict farming and transform the food systems in different parts of the world, said Alex Newman, an award-winning international journalist who has covered this issue for over a decade.

For full article, see:

2 thoughts on “Alex Newman Explains UN Agenda 2030 Behind Farming Restrictions”

  1. Midwestern farmers have long had to report to the USDA how many acres they will grow of which crop. Now, under Biden, they also have to report where their harvests are stored, viz. how many bushels of which crop at which address. Just what the architects of another Holodomor would want to know.

  2. The Lake City Army Ammunition Plant near Independence, Missouri was told by Bidenites last week to run no more surpluses of 5.56 ammunition (for M-16, AR-15) beyond the now strict limits of government orders. That is to say, make no overruns of this ammo production for the civilian market. That will cut the availability of 5.56 to civilians across the nation by about a third.

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