Alex Newman Mariusz Skrobała: New World Order, the Tyranny of Globalization and the Fall of the West

Mariusz Skrobała talks to Alex Newman, award-winning journalist, owner of a media organization “Liberty Sentinel”, host of the show “Behind the Deep State”, author of “Indoctrinating Our Children to Death”. Alex Newman is also a speaker at the ReAwaken America Tour next to former advisor to Donald Trump, general Michael Flynn and Donald Trump’s son Eric Trump among many others.

Watch the full interview here:

1 thought on “Alex Newman Mariusz Skrobała: New World Order, the Tyranny of Globalization and the Fall of the West”

  1. The fall of America is now in progress because nihilism prevails with majority of people. Most adults know nothing about WEF agenda 2030, the elite council and it’s political arm in the U.S. and countries overseas. Non stop agenda is for complete take down of the U.S., Canada, the E.U. countries and elsewhere by 2030. Less than five percent are informed and others ignore the warnings or scoff. All we can do now is prepare our household.

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