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Indoctrinating Our Children To Death: Saving Children from…

Is public school properly educating our children? Robert Bortins, the CEO of Classical Conversations, chats with Classical Conversations Senior Fellow Alex Newman, who also…

Inside Scoop on the RNC Platform Committee: Senator…

In this episode of Alex Newman’s The Sentinel Report, Tendai Ruben Mbofana, a journalist from Zimbabwe, joins the show to break down the real…

Can You See the Doctrine of Demons? |…

Ken Mikle of Olive Tree Ministries talks to libertysentinel.org CEO Alex Newman about the doctrine of demons influencing children and youth. Because of their…

Fauci & Co. Just Low-level Street Pushers, Explains…

The infamous invisible enemy (COVID19) that allowed governments to cause so much death and destruction was actually the fruit of U.S. government-funded “gain of…

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