The Diabolical March to World Government Exposed: Alex…

A cabal of globalists is working to undermine nations in a diabolical effort to create a one-world government, economy, and religious system, warned journalist…

ENGINEERED WAR: Fastest Path to Controlling Us |…

The state of Oregon is cracking down on small farmers. This government action is the latest in a string of movements around the country…

Indoctrinating Our Children to Death: Curtis Bowers &…

Curtis Bowers, the creator of the hit documentary Agenda, interviews Alex Newman about his new book, Indoctrinating Our Children to Death. Newman and Bowers…

How Bill to Stop “The Great Taking” in…

Legislation to protect the property rights of investors in South Dakota from a complex scheme to loot humanity was deliberately sent to a committee…

The Great Taking: How Deep State Will Ensure…

A longtime investment banker named David Webb is exposing a global plot dubbed “The Great Taking” to steal stocks and other assets from Americans…

Readying the World for Reset – Alex Newman

The now-infamous Great Reset is even more diabolical than is immediately apparent. In this explosive presentation, investigative journalist Alex Newman breaks down various components…

The Feds Are Nabbing 30% of US Land,…

Andrew MullerDec 19, 2023

“Buy land,” Mark Twain suggested, “they’re not making it anymore.” This advice might become nearly impossible to follow come 2030 as the Biden administration…

WEF Warns 2024 Likely to Bring ‘Catastrophic’ Cyber Event

Leo HohmannDec 11, 2023

Could this be the latest predictive programming, similar to ‘Event 201’ was for the Covid pandemic? As we approach December 31, you will inevitably…

Will the Great Reset Usher in the Great…

Scott ScharaOct 9, 2023

When I listen to the ‘good side’ making claims of a Great Awakening and ‘our side is gaining while theirside is losing,’ I don’t…

Global Alliance VS. USA: Fifth Generation Warfare W/…

There is a global alliance of powerful forces seeking to completely destroy the United States and all that Americans hold dear, explains Gen. Mike…

The United Nation’s Agenda 2030 Targets American Freedom

The 78th annual session of the United Nations General Assembly was convened last month. A two-day Sustainable Development Goals Summit was held on September…

Central Bank Digital Currencies: The End of Privacy…

Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) are coming at us like a freight train. The movement to kill cash, digitize all transactions, and harness them…

Globalists Have Another Shock Event Planned in Pursuit…

Leo HohmannSep 26, 2023

Originally published at 2024 will make 2023 look like a walk in the park but we can make it through the storm if…

CIA’s Transhumanist Tower of Babel – Most Important…

The horror that has enveloped the United States and the world with mRNA injections and vote rigging is just a foretaste of what incredibly…

EU Imposing Digital IDs and Currencies NOW –…

The European Union is rolling out both Central Bank Digital Currencies and digital IDs for all right now, saying those who don’t participate will…

URGENT: God’s Plan to Defeat the Deep State…

This is war — but not in the traditionally understood sense. “As the Apostle Paul says in Ephesians 6, this is a spiritual battle,” said Alex…

UN: Let Them Eat Bugs! | Alex Newman…

Alex Newman, award-winning journalist and Liberty Sentinel founder and CEO, exposes a 2013 UN report stating that meat, chicken, and traditional agriculture are “not…

Humanity’s Ageless Struggle… What Is a Person Worth?

Reprinted to Liberty Sentinel with full permission of authors. Beneath the surface of the oppressive COVID-19 “public health” policies and practices, another phase in…

BlackRock: Fourth Branch of (Totalitarian) Government | Part…

BlackRock has effectively become the fourth branch of government, and at this point it is hard to tell where the giant investment Leviathan begins…


Diane L. GruberAug 4, 2023

Ever since the creation of the United Nations system, the key globalist agenda item has been the implement of a global tax, levied and…

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