Appeal to Heaven: Speech by Bob Marshall

Appeal to Heaven April 29, 2024, A. D. Bob Marshall, past General Assembly Member 26 years “If my people who are called by my…

A Nation Falling Apart at the Seams –…

With each passing day you can’t help but wonder, what’s next?  The things happening in America are happening so quickly.  For example, just a…

Seer Who Predicted the Fall of the Soviets:…

By Paul Cameron In 1976, Emmanuel Todd examined the Soviet Union’s growing infant mortality and was the first to predict that socialist nation’s fall. In 1989,…

10 Predictions For 2024: Get Ready For Tough…

Leo HohmannDec 29, 2023

Expect civil unrest to break out in 2024 as globalist elites go for the final takedown of America as we know it in preparation…

How to Unite and Heal America: Rein in…

Alex NewmanDec 28, 2023

The 2024 election is the MOST important in American history, they say. Even a year out from the election, no doubt you have already…

How Christmas Split Time in Two While also…

Scott PowellDec 20, 2023

We are at a crisis inflection point in our present and future. And while evil encircles us on every side and at every level,…

You’ve Been Lied To: America’s True History

The esteemed British statesman and Prime Minister of England, Winston Churchill, wondered, “Is the only lesson of history to be that mankind is unteachable?”…

International Meeting of Conservatives in Paris Commits to…

Don AlltoadaNov 27, 2023

The Worldwide Freedom Initiative was held this month in Paris, France.  An endeavor to highlight new, conservative, and energetic leadership internationally, the Worldwide Freedom Initiative happened this November…

How to Persuade Youth to Patriotism and Christ

America’s youth are turning to all the wrong things to find meaning, purpose, and identity. The older generation needs to mentor and share the…

To Know and Defeat Evil, America Must Know…

America has drifted away from its foundation. There is no doubt about that. How do we return to our roots as a nation? We…

Can America Survive or be Rebuilt From the…

Can America still be saved? If not, can it be rebuilt from the ashes? Journalist Alex Newman and former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State…

House Speaker Johnson Considering Taking Money from the…

Andrew MullerNov 2, 2023

Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL), who recently lifted the rock from atop the GOP uniparty nest of roaches, exposing them to the sunlight of accountability…

Was Ayn Rand Right About Western Civilization?

Originally published at Back to the Foundations of Morality In a time of escalating crises, reflections on the foundations of human action and…

Understanding the Enormity of Matt Gaetz’s Speakership Rebellion

Christopher AdamoOct 17, 2023

It is a sad irony that such a major sector of America loudly decries the appalling corruption and rampant mutual back-scratching so typical of…

Global Alliance VS. USA: Fifth Generation Warfare W/…

There is a global alliance of powerful forces seeking to completely destroy the United States and all that Americans hold dear, explains Gen. Mike…

Thomas Jefferson : The story of an amazing…

Marlee NewmanAug 21, 2023

Thomas Jefferson was the third president of the United States of America. He is the main author of the Declaration of Independence. He also…

Sound of Freedom Resonates In Small Town America

Christopher AdamoJul 31, 2023

Real America has been effusive in its support of singer Jason Aldean, ever since he became the latest target of the ugly leftist woke…

The World Health Organization is Vying for U.S.…

Andrew MullerJun 13, 2023

The World Health Organization is once again vying for the United States’ sovereignty and is inching America closer to global governance. A new pandemic…

Unpacking the Fed’s Pyramid of Far-Right Radicalization: Paul…

The federal government was exposed funding leftwing extremists promoting propaganda painting conservative Americans as potential dangers to the nation, even suggesting a link between…

The Ron and the Don in 2024 –…

Roger Stone, a veteran of ten national presidential campaigns, having served as a senior campaign aide to three Republican presidents: Nixon, Reagan, and Trump,…

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