Did The Deep State Try To Kill Trump?…

Award-winning journalist Alex Newman joins Pastor Tom Hughes on Hope for Our Times to offer a deep analysis of the assassination attempt against President…

Globalist “Guru” Claims Trump’s Re-Election Will Mean ‘The…

Brandon SmithJul 22, 2024

Yuval Harari is best known as a globalist “philosopher” or “guru” closely tied to the World Economic Forum.  He is infamous for his Ted…

MAGA Is Unstoppable Now

Legendary heroism shined from Trump and his MAGA supporters who attended the Pennsylvania rally where a gunman shot Trump and attendees from a rooftop…

Give Him Another Shot? How Trump Should Handle…

Andrew MullerMar 14, 2024

Andrew Muller, Chief of Operations for Liberty Sentinel, says that Trump should prepare a message similar to Richard Nixon’s 1952 “Checkers” speech, clarifying his…

Trump Will Win the Election, but Democrats Will…

Steve BaldwinMar 8, 2024

With just about every major poll showing Trump beating Biden in all the critical swing states, the MAGA movement is becoming increasingly excited about…

Leftist/Democrat “Too Much Baggage” Scam Isn’t Working

The specific details of the cases that have been concocted against President Donald Trump in New York and Georgia play a distant second, place…

America Needs the Art of the Deal

Andrew MullerFeb 19, 2024

“I don’t do it for the money. I’ve got enough, much more than I’ll ever need. I do it to do it. Deals are…

Trump Kicked Off Colorado Ballot, Feds Plot to…

In this episode of The Sentinel Report, international journalist Alex Newman exposes the federal government’s new “Federal Plan for Equitable Long-Term Recovery and Resilience”…

ISIS: A History of the Terrorist Organization and…

Nicholas LeSueurNov 7, 2023

In the three years prior to Donald Trump taking office, the United States, like many nations around the world, had been increasingly plagued by…

Trump’s Education Plan: End Fed Ed, Restore Prayer

Alex NewmanOct 18, 2023

The New Report. Originally published at FreedomProject.com With virtually no media coverage, presidential frontrunner Donald Trump vowed to shut down the U.S. Department of…

Major Warning: Border Crisis Leading to Catastrophe as…

The border crisis is now a national security threat that may be leading to unprecedented catastrophe, and people in government know it, warned border…

Sen. Moore: Lawmakers must do THIS to Stop…

The Georgia legislature has an obligation to investigate and defund the rogue prosecutor persecuting President Donald Trump and 18 of his associates by calling…

Trump’s Lawyer: Even If Trump Was Convicted, He…

Christina Bobb, one of Donald Trump’s lawyers, says that even if the president was convicted, he could still constitutionally be the president of the…

Oh Snap: Trump’s Mugshot Backfired On the Left

Donald Trump’s Fulton County, Georgia, mugshot was meant by the swamp monster bureaucrats to discredit the former president, but the now-famous image has made…

The Stolen 2020 Election Continues to Mock America!

Christopher AdamoAug 25, 2023

The entire Republican “Establishment” is having a collective meltdown over the fact that President Trump refuses to take an oath of loyalty to the…

Anti-Trump Lawfare Shows DOJ Needs Big Reform: Former…

The ongoing lawfare against Donald Trump and his inner circle shows that the Department of Justice needs to be reformed in a major way,…

The Targeted Takedown Indictment of Trump is a…

The latest indictment of former President Donald Trump is not only a political ploy by Biden’s Department of Justice to take out the front-running…

Latest Phony Indictment Proves 2020 Election Was Stolen

That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.–Declaration of Independence, July 4,…

Believe Leftist Hysteria Over President Trump’s CNN Townhall

Christopher AdamoMay 17, 2023

By Christopher Adamo, 5/15/23 Leftists across America have been throwing absolute tantrums of indignation, ever since President Trump made his appearance at the May…

Coming To Grips With The Two Americas

Emily FultonApr 11, 2023

In a clearly unintentional moment of “candor” from the 2004 John Kerry/John Edwards presidential campaign, Edwards attempted to create a divide between the “haves”…

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