Counterterrorism Expert: More Jihad Attacks Coming to US…

Americans should expect more terror attacks in 2025 due to the open border policies of Joe Biden, explains expert Tom Trento, the director of…

ISIS: A History of the Terrorist Organization and…

Nicholas LeSueurNov 7, 2023

In the three years prior to Donald Trump taking office, the United States, like many nations around the world, had been increasingly plagued by…

Christians & MAGA Bigger Threat to US Than…

Christians and Trump supporters represent a bigger threat to America than Hamas, according to a growing chorus of voices on the Left. Journalist Alex…

Self-Defense in the Face of Terror: Charl van…

Christians have a biblical duty to defend the innocent in the face of evil, including responding with force to violent attacks on women and…

Who is Robert Malley, Biden’s Special Envoy to…

Frank De VaronaOct 24, 2023

Robert Malley and Secretary of State John Kerry negotiated the terrible Iranian Deal that violated the Constitution because it was a treaty and did…

How Globalists & Communists Encouraged Islamic Terror

Islamic terrorism is in the news a lot today but almost nothing is being said about how the Deep State, Communists, and globalists have…

A World in Turmoil:  The Big Picture –…

On October 7th, Hamas struck Israel with a deadly attack.  Earlier today, Israel’s defense minister told ground troops at the border that they are…

Understanding Terrorism and How it can be Defeated

Dr. Peter HammondOct 19, 2023

Horrific Terror attacks in IsraelExactly 50 years after the surprise attack that led to the Yom Kippur war in 1973, and just as the deal of the…

The GREAT SIEGE of MALTA: On 9/11, Remember…

Dr. Peter HammondSep 11, 2023

The Turkish Threat: In 1565 Islam was threatening all of Europe. The Ottoman Turkish Empire had conquered the entire Middle East, sacking what was…

The FRENCH REVOLUTION – The Prototype Revolution

Dr. Peter HammondJul 13, 2023

14 July is celebrated in France as Bastille Day. It commemorates the storming of the Bastille and the launch of The French Revolution. A…

US Betrayed to Communist China: Ex-Asst. Defense Sec.…

The United States is under attack from within, with betrayal to the Chinese Communist Party in both the public and private sectors, warns Center…

Recognizing the Modern Winds of War

Christopher AdamoApr 14, 2023

By Christopher Adamo, 4/3/23 During this past week, a litany of atrocities were visited on America. In Tennessee, a deranged young woman armed herself,…

Antifa Terrorists Block Film Exposing Public Schools

Antifa thugs in Chicago terrorized various venue owners to prevent a public screening of the hit film “Truth & Lies in American Education” by…


Dr. Peter HammondJun 28, 2022

28 June marks the anniversary of the assassination that sparked the First World War. A Disastrous DateOn 28 June 1914, the heir to the…

Where Is the Supreme Court’s Apology?

Chris WrightJun 27, 2022

By Chris Wright, 6/27/22 Where is the Supreme Court’s apology?  Look at what their Roe v. Wade decision of 1973 put the country through. …

How to Assassinate a Former President: Open the…

Chris WrightMay 26, 2022

You may have heard in the news the FBI foiled an Islamic State-connected plot to assassinate former President George W. Bush.  What you might…

Leftist Roe Tantrums Reveal Their Vulnerabilities, And Ours!

Christopher AdamoMay 16, 2022

            The moment word was leaked to the public that the Supreme Court would be overturning the abhorrent “Roe versus Wade” decision of 1973,…

Homeland Security: Critics of COVID Mandates & Election…

Leo HohmannAug 15, 2021

The administration is ramping up the propaganda demonizing mainstream American conservatives even as it seeks recruits to operate internment camps.

Colorado Shooting: Return of the American Jihadi

Leo HohmannMar 24, 2021

Colorado grocery store attack resumes pattern of jihad attacks rampant during Obama-Biden years

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