Author: Breeauna Sagdal – Senior Writer and Research Fellow The Beef Initiative Foundation
Andrea Shaffer – Associate Editor BeefNews
Lisa Logan – Consultant for IATS Foundation
America stands at a critical tipping point. This policy paper warns that recent federal resilience initiatives, advanced under the banner of equity, have centralized control across nearly all aspects of American life—from local governance to individual choices. To protect the foundational freedoms of America’s farmers and ranchers, the I Am Texas Slim Foundation calls for immediate executive actions to dismantle these mandates and restore power to communities, pushing back against what they describe as a coordinated agenda of control disguised as resilience.
While the last twenty years have been an apt analogy to the Titanic leaving port – its passengers, engineers and the crew alike sharing in an apathetic belief of “that could never happen here”- the United States is now in a position analogous to the Titanic, moments after iceberg impact. What happens within the first weeks of the Trump administration will determine the number of survivors.
In order to preserve life, liberty, and property- the most basic tenets of Western democracy – President Trump will need to use his executive authority within the first days of office to direct administrative agencies. These initial directives will ensure that lifeboats are equally filled to the maximum capacity, and that nobody is locked below decks to drown in the executive fiat of the prior administration.

Unlocking The Gates of The Lower Decks
Over the last four years, and even leading up to the Biden/Harris transition team, a cadre of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) – ranging from Union-funded Emerge America to national research and advocacy organizations like PolicyLink and the Sunrise Movement – outlined a plan to subvert the constitution and local governing structures by executive fiat.
These 100+ radical civil society organizations – in coordination with senior government officials, members from 35+ government agencies in the federal interagency workgroup, and the CDC Foundation – detailed a scheme for centralizing authority through the distribution of government funding by conditioning the implementation of the Thriving Together Springboard. This document became the basis for The Federal Plan for Equitable Long-Term Recovery and Resilience, launched under the Biden administration in 2021. This Federal Plan created a “whole-of-government” approach to implementing a unified agenda across every agency, through a critical theory “lens.” This lens, dictated by executive fiat, directed federal agencies to structure allocations through contractually obligated grants, conditioned upon specific ideological outcomes.
Under the guise of helping cities recover from the pandemic, and creating a “resilience” framework to mitigate future disasters, the Task Force implemented “government alone” policies that subverted local authority. According to the Task Force, conditions for fostering “resilience,” required the transformation of all sectors within those localities; transformations that are in line with the sovereignty-destroying agendas of the World Health Organization, World Economic Forum and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
While many will argue that this incoming administration should revoke every Executive Order of the Biden administration, reversing this course will require precision and clear communication. In addition, using the authority of the executive must be temporary, exacting, and used only as a means of immediately halting further funding, while neutralizing the imminent threats this plan poses to the United States.
Once the 119th Congress is sworn in, and able to convene for session, long-term policy solutions will need to be examined in order to supplant this existing authoritarian framework. Additionally, the executive will need to lead the way, working with the judicial and legislative branches – in consultation with the states – to decentralize authority and restore the separation of powers.
Taking these restorative actions is analogous to unlocking the lower deck gates of the Titanic—giving everyone the equal opportunity to survive this disaster.
Day 1 – Strategically Revoking Biden’s Executive Orders
Revoke E.O 14008
When the Biden/Harris administration issued E.O. 14008, United Nations funded NGOs had already created the framework or “playbooks,” and the lens for which every cent of the Inflation Reduction Act, and The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) would be allocated through federal agencies.

The Justice40 Initiative established a new “whole-of-government” approach to federal tax zoning structures that would funnel private equity, and public grants into the creation of the SMART Grid, and SMART Cities. In addition, Justice40 programs have created a discriminatory social scoring model through benefits and entitlements that justify exploitation by corporate interests as being “climate justice,” and “equitable.” The contractual obligations of these programs subvert local control by centralizing administrative control over water rights, zoning, community development, and land use to Federal agencies, based upon U.N. Sustainable Development Goals.
Billions of dollars in funding, appropriated by Congress, have also been set aside by agencies such as FEMA, HUD, National Parks Service, BLM, Fish and Wildlife, Bureau of Indian Affairs, and USDOT for federal land acquisitions of Tribal lands and private property, while agencies have removed requirements for “fair market” valuations and appraisals.
Meanwhile, the very NGOs responsible for developing these Communist frameworks and playbooks, have been awarded millions in federal grants that will continue to fund these efforts well into the future.
In addition, given the significant funding for federal acquisition of lands, relocation and resettlement, it is vital to assess the impacts that SMART Cities and concentrated populations may have on future Congressional districts and U.S. elections.
As such, one of the first Executive Orders of the Trump administration must immediately reverse E.O. 14008 and direct all agencies to pause funding.

Executive Order 14052 – Implementation of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act
Executive Order 14052 directed agencies as to how they should allocate Congressional appropriations for rebuilding America.
The directive established an Infrastructure Investment Presidential Task force, which began directing the investment of public dollars through the lens of equity and resilience established under Executive Orders 13985 (Advancing Racial Equity) and E.O 14008 (the Justice40 Initiative).
Through the “whole-of-government” Justice40 playbooks, agencies were directed to allocate 40 percent of climate and clean energy investments to “disadvantaged communities.” This Task Force, consisting of Saul Alinsky school, Momentum school, and EmergeAmerica graduates, immediately began facilitating the planning and implementation of key federal actions. Actions, such as: “reducing climate pollution; increase resilience to the impacts of climate change; health; conserve our lands, waters, oceans, and biodiversity; deliver environmental justice; spur well-paying union jobs and economic growth.”
Using metrics and frameworks originating from global governing entities, E.O 14052 also directed every agency to allocate funds through the tripartite block grant agreements of Justice40 – known as Community Benefit Agreements – under the watchful eye of the Interagency Task Force. According to the NGOs that established this framework (such as The Sunrise Movement), funneling public funds through contractually obligated grant structures would create the legal flexibility needed for ideological compliance to become the conditional priority of the ranking matrix for grant approvals.
However, a lawsuit for racial discrimination was filed not long after the first grants were awarded, and the Biden administration quickly pivoted by issuing Executive Order 14091.
Executive Order 14091 – Further Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government
14091 then directed every agency to establish “Equity Teams.” Equity Teams then defined “underserved,” “Distressed,” and “Disadvantaged Communities,” to ensure “equitable outcomes” for targeted demographics. This was the workaround to court orders, which prohibited agencies from expressly violating the civil rights act.
The executive directive established Agency Equity Teams across the whole of Government, including the federal block grant funding through NGO Community Benefit Agreements. This authoritarian action, signaled one of the first times in American history, that the executive would exceed its authority by directing private entities.
“Therefore, my Administration must take additional action across the Federal Government—in collaboration with civil society, the private sector, and State and local government—to continue the work begun with Executive Order 13985.”
The federal agencies involved include: the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of Defense, the Attorney General, the Secretary of the Interior, the Secretary of Agriculture, the Secretary of Commerce, the Secretary of Labor, the Secretary of Health and Human Services, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, the Secretary of Transportation, the Secretary of Energy, the Secretary of Education, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, the Secretary of Homeland Security (which includes FEMA), the Administrator of the Small Business Administration, the Commissioner of Social Security, the Administrator of General Services, the Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development, the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Director of the National Science Foundation, and the Director of the Office of Personnel Management.
“In short, my Administration has embedded a focus on equity into the fabric of Federal policymaking and service delivery.”
Unfortunately, the result has been anything but civil as Equity Teams have implemented arbitrary rankings of humanity, specifically as it relates to FEMA’s “equitable” disaster recovery.
Revoking Executive Order 14013
When the Biden administration relaunched the United States Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP), by executive order, Homeland Security, HUD, and various applicable agencies responded with a “whole-of-government” approach to Resettlement and Relocation that sparked another U.N funded chain of events. Most notably, the new agency immediately set to work to redefine citizenship in the United States by implementing the new USRAP guidance. Agencies then implemented the Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool (CEJST) in order to rank human resettlement and relocation based upon climate risks. Not only has this action threatened national sovereignty, but it also laid the foundation for ranking land acquisitions in the United States based upon arbitrary A.I mapping tools (such as the NALN A.I. tool by American Farm Trust), and capricious definitions of “climate migrants” that include U.S. citizens and illegal immigrants alike.

Similar to the Justice40 Initiative, these new Climate-Informed Science Approaches have been implemented by FEMA/Dept. of Homeland Security, HUD, and the USDA in order to determine new boundaries where Americans are no longer allowed to rebuild, including “open spaces,” “green spaces,” and “rewilding” areas where humans are either allowed limited/conditional use access, or prohibited from access entirely—”no-go zones.”
In North Carolina, HUD and FEMA are currently working to administer the Strategic Buyout Funds for purchasing eligible properties at current “Market Value” that are in “defined floodplain zones or future classified floodplain zones.”
Once purchased, the property will be “publicly owned.” Program funds will pay for the property, structure and land purchases, and then the subsequent demolition and clearing of structural debris.
“Land will be held in perpetuity… and may not be redeveloped. A restrictive covenant referenced in the deed shall ensure that the properties purchased under the Strategic Buyout Program will never be redeveloped and will be maintained as greenspace in perpetuity. As part of the closing process, the deed with restrictive covenants will be recorded in the Register of Deed’s office in the county where the property is located.”

HUD regulations, which govern the Strategic Buyout of North Carolina, state that buyout programs providing monetary incentives designed to meet national objectives fall under the following provisions:
- Low/Moderate Income (LMI) – Activities which benefit low- and moderate-income individuals, such as providing an area benefit to an LMI area, establishing benefits to limited clientele, or housing LMI individuals and households.
- Low/Mod Housing (LMH) – by providing funds for the purchase of eligible properties from LMI households that will result in a new permanent residential housing situation for a listing of potential funding that may be provided under a Strategic Buyout Program purchase to ensure that the household moves to a lower-risk area. (Relocation agreements)
- Urgent Need Mitigation (UNM) – to provide funding for the purchase of eligible properties at the current Market Value from owners whose household income exceeds the 80% threshold for LMI.
These codes will also be used for the “Matching Down Payment incentive when provided to eligible program participants with household incomes from 80% to 120%.”
“Utilizing the national objective for the use of HUD Community Development Block Grant Mitigation (CDBG-MIT) funds will address current and future flood and storm risks in the MID areas by allowing property owners to relocate from areas identified as being high risk.”
It is not enough to merely revoke this Executive Order and close the Office of Resettlement and Relocation (USRAP). An Executive Order must be passed to declare that federal agencies are prohibited from; restricting the free travel of Tribal nations and United States citizens; using coercive tactics such as force-placement of FEMA/NFIP insurance to acquire private property; and/or unlawfully permitting the use of private property to another entity in which the federal government is the financial beneficiary.
Revoking E.O 14009 – Medical Fascism
E.O 14009 revoked Orders 13765 and 13813 and implemented a new system of anti-competitive Fascist Corportism that has rewarded the most radical and ideologically aligned entities within the Healthcare industry.
Today, system designers are backdooring “Healthy People 2030” objectives, critical theory and “One Health,” initiatives into the USDA’s Food and Nutritional Supplement Programs (FNS), like SNAP, WIC, and TANF. Programmers are using SNAP-Ed National Program Evaluation and Reporting System (N-PEARS), the Food Programs Reporting System (FPRS), ICD-10 Codes for surveillance of Medicaid billing, and various behavioral benchmarks designed to create interoperable intervention programs. Program administrators are currently in the process of collecting dietary, and “private restricted use” behavioral data, with the stated goal of impacting the “purchasing power” of individuals receiving federal aid. In addition, A.I. Risk Assessment tools have been integrated into the back-end of FNS programs to cut administrative times for issuing prosecution notices.
A new Executive Order must address the anti-competitive actions resulting from E.O 14009 in addition to prohibiting agencies from continuing their implementation of Internet Of Things (IoT) interoperable A.I. Risk Assessment tools for discriminatory prosecution, repayment and disqualification based upon arbitrary metrics of “nutrition security,” and “structural inequalities.”
Going forward, SNAP-ED programs must be optional, focused on new and improved models of real health, and no longer able to be used to determine arbitrary scoring by unelected bureaucrats. Until then, this Executive Order must be revoked, and agencies should be instructed to immediately cease collection and surveillance activities of the American public.
Immediately Revoke E.O 14034 – Expanded IEEPA Authority
When Biden reauthorized IEEPA, his administration gave increased authority to the Treasury over everything that connects online, from transactions to communications. The new provisions do not distinguish between U.S. Citizens or Foreign nationals in terms of enforcement actions allowed by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC). Given that blocked persons have increased by 900%, and that minimal evidence is required to block an individual and seize their assets, this tool of economic oppression must be prevented as leverage against U.S. citizens for political retribution.
In addition, Congress rapidly passed H.R 7521, giving the Treasury’s Committee on Foreign Investments in the United States (CFIUS) broad authority to compel the divestiture of shares and ownership in a digital platform. However, when the spending package was passed, H.R. 7521 was then attached to the REPO Act, also giving the Treasury authority to sell these assets and shares to offset America’s proxy war debt.
On July 22, 2024, Biden then delegated that sole REPO authority to the Treasury, handing over the authority of the President to: have the final say, see the classified annex of assets to be seized, or override the Treasury in any way. The Biden administration called this “Trump proofing” asset seizures and corporate divestiture authority.
While all of the above work together to cripple the Trump administration from effectively using sanctions, without risking key assets like Elon Musk, the emergency declaration of IEEPA should be revoked a to clearly redefine the actions that would violate IEEPA, define judicial review outside of the Treasury, and establish a clear pathway to due process remedy. Lastly, President Trump is encouraged to restore executive authority over REPO actions, as this authority was vested in the President by Congress as a non-delegable authority.
Day 2 – Send Distress Signal to Nearby Boats, and Make Sure Everyone has Access to A Lifeboat
The Biden/Harris administration IS the iceberg that America the Titanic hit. Our country is rapidly taking on water, and we’re sinking quickly into the abyss of tyranny. However, by quickly dismantling the most egregious aspects of this unified “Federal Plan,” the United States will actually have an opportunity to manage loss of life after the collision.
It is vital to expose this attempt at a hostile takeover to the public, the media, and state governments, while immediately directing ALL administrative agencies – that serve at the pleasure of the President – to cease operations until further notice.
While it might be tempting to use Executive authority longer term, the authority of the executive is like morphine—effective for acute pain, but addictive and destructive long-term.
As it currently stands, our nation needs to go to rehab to titrate off of centralized Executive authority. Long-term, this centralized authority must be restored to the state and individual levels – where it rightly belongs – and thus ensure that America will never again be ravaged by the Titanic destruction of fascist authoritarian rule.