11/16/2020– Legendary author, James Perloff, will join Liberty Sentinel tonight for a live interview. The link to the chat is above so that you can subscribe and be a part of the conversation. His latest book, “Covid-19 and The Agendas to Come, Red Pilled”, has been BANNED by Amazon. You can purchase it here to find out just how “dangerous” it is.
While MANY people have been banned, censored, and harassed during this time of total conformity, we must celebrate people who are willing to oppose the coming medical surveillance state. James Perloff is the most famous for “The Shadows of Power”, which is still available on Amazon. This book explore the hidden agenda of the CFR, or the Counsel of Foreign Relations, and their power of governments around the world. It was published during a time it sounded “crazy” to make any type of “shadow government” claims.
In the latest warning by Perloff, he explores Covid-19, the government overreach, attack on civil liberties, and whether the prescription is worse than the disease itself, possibly on purpose. Amazon IMMEDIATELY dropped the hammer on the book for violating “content guidelines”. Those guidelines were never explained.
To this day, you can buy Mein Kampf, The Anarchist Cookbook, The Communist Manifesto, and more from Amazon. However, the largest book supplier has deemed a patriotic book about the dangers of government overreach “TOO DANGEROUS” for anyone to buy.
PLEASE continue to support voices that are being silenced. While this public health crisis is being used as a pretext to take away your liberties, we need people who will continue to shine a light on the key issues.
Jeff Bezos has made billions from the lockdown. It is clear that Bezos—and Amazon itself—profit from the COVID restrictions on brick-and-mortar retail stores. Therefore, by censoring anti-lockdown books, they have a glaring conflict of interest. If you want to see the book restored, let Amazon know. You can email Jeff Bezos at [email protected].
A Message From James Perloff
By the way, since I knew this day of censorship might come, I had a backup printing of my book made, totally separate from Amazon. Individual orders for COVID-19 and the Agendas to Come, Red-Pilled can be placed at, which features the book near the top of their home page (some people say they find it easier to place phone orders with them 800-234-9673 than online orders). As of November 2, the book is also stocked by American Free Press 1-888-699-6397 or at this sales link. I am working on developing additional non-Amazon sellers and distributors. I offer the book myself in bulk quantities at discount rates.
James Perloff via
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