Exposing Crimes of the Education Establishment on CT TV

In this episode of the Marty Heiser show, educator and author Alex Newman of the Liberty Sentinel exposes the crimes perpetrated against children by the education establishment.

Newman co-wrote the book Crimes of the Educators and is currently on a national speaking tour promoting “Rescuing our Children — And Our Nation.” The goal is to save as many children as possible from dumbing down and indoctrination in the public school system.

The show, which airs all across Connecticut, also featured a global-warming alarmist, who was left looking like a total fool. And during the final segment, black conservative activist Benji Irby, who argued that America is not nearly as racist as the political class wants people to think.

Newman’s segment starts at about 20:30 after a brilliant monologue exposing the man-made global-warming lunacy. Check it out!

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