Inside UN’s “Pact for the Future” to Kill National Sovereignty

The United Nations’ recently held Summit of the Future in New York City served as the platform for the renovation of the organization into “UN 2.0,” revealed journalists Alex Newman and Andrew Muller on InfoWars’ hit show, The American Journal. This includes reforming the UN Security Council, possibly stripping the United States of its veto power, controlling information, and expanding education into “lifelong learning.”

As Newman and Muller debrief on their findings, they encourage readers to critically examine these global initiatives and consider how global decisions echo through national policies and impact national and individual sovereignty.

1 thought on “Inside UN’s “Pact for the Future” to Kill National Sovereignty”

  1. Dear Lord and savior, we need you now more than ever! The agents of the dark one are becoming to powerful for our umble and faithful prayers to turn back.

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