OUTRAGEOUS National “Sex Ed” Standards Teach Kids to Choose Gender

The National Sex Education Standards Core Content and Skills K-12, 2nd Edition for 2020 written by Advocates for Youth, Answer Sex Ed, Honestly and SIECUS (Sexuality Info & Education Council of the US – Sex Ed for Social Change) is a 72-page document that describes a “whole new world” of human evolution. This two page summary is mostly quotes straight from the document with referenced page numbers. I notify the reader when my opinion is interjected.

Gender is described as a “social construct” therefore students are taught they can reject or modify their “sex assigned at birth” to something that FEELS truer to oneself. (p. 58) Examples of gender include, but are NOT LIMITED to: male, female, transgender, androgenous, agender, gender expansive, genderqueer, nonbinary, two-spirit, intersex, or questioning. Genderqueer means a person can identify as both genders, neither gender, something in-between or BEYOND genders. (p. 59, 61,67). The document informs readers on page 8 that there is a continual evolution of language related to gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, and sexual identity, therefore this document is only a snapshot in the evolutionary process.

Students decide their identities through experiential learning cycles where they learn by doing, reflecting interpreting and exploring questions of how experiences could be different in the future (p.58). These “lived experiences” or collection of events become the student’s firsthand validation of their identities (p. 61). You may ask, “How is unlimited gender ideology based on science or empirical data?” According to the new definition of “Fact” in the Sex Ed glossary (p. 58) empirical data is not required. Hypothesis, opinions, and theories are now considered fact if most experts in the field agree upon it. In other words (my commentary), it’s not about science or even common sense, it’s about whose opinions in society matter most.

The 2020 National Sex Ed Standards say sexual identities evolve through a developmental process that vary depending on each individual. Sexual Orientations include, but are NOT LIMITED to: asexual, bisexual, gay, heterosexual, lesbian, pansexual, questioning, queer (p. 63, 65). Queer is an umbrella term for nonconforming FLUID identities (p. 63). Questioning means they are “exploring” what their sexual orientation might be (63). Students “decide” and “determine” what identity is right for them. Sexual agency is the right to choose to define one’s sexual orientation or gender (p. 64)

Affirming, embracing, engaging, and adjusting to students’ various fluctuating cultural identities, which include gender and sexual identities, is considered culturally responsive and competent (p. 57). The concept of respecting “all genders” is to be taught in grades K-2 (p. 18). Anyone non-affirming of a student’s self-determined gender or sexual identity is considered prejudice (p. 60, 67). This prejudice is also called sexism and discrimination (p. 64), which could cause individual and systemic trauma. Individual trauma can be emotional harm with adverse effects on an individual’s wellbeing. Systemic Trauma is when environments and institutions (including religions) maintain prejudices which impact posttraumatic responses. Social exclusion is a form of bullying (p.56). Denial of resources such as puberty blockers or hormone therapy may be considered “gender-based violence” (p.60). The role of puberty blockers is to be learned in grades 3-5 (p. 20).

Student trauma is avoided when adults use the language and terms young people use to identify themselves, including pronouns (p.11). Not using these terms could be interpreted by the young person as unwelcome offensive behavior, which is, by definition, harassment (p.60). Schools must inform students how to recognize influences of trauma and identify “trusted adults” who will support them to ensure a safe environment (67). Schools are to affirm expansive and fluid student identities by providing group norms and role modeling (p.63). If parents, or the students’ homes, are perpetually non-affirming of the young persons’ identities, schools are to help students with a safety plan (p.63).

Sex Education should avoid cisnormative and heteronormative approaches. Male, female natal genders and heterosexuality are places of power and privilege. These groups have unearned access to resources and social power (p.62). Social justice and equity must be taught in order to remove gender and sexual orientation disparities in adolescent health (p.11). Reproductive Justice demands gender freedom for every human being (63). In my estimation, due to the daily medical requirements needed to sustain nonconforming gender identities, the National Sex Ed Standards (NSES) emphasize political advocacy so students will learn to fight for laws that will pay for their sex-change hormones and surgeries.

Also in my opinion, due to the experiential learning cycle of sexual exploration promoted through these National Sex Ed Standards, higher risk sexual behaviors may result in an increase of STI’s and HIV. HIV diagnosis require a daily regimen of medications for a lifetime. Students who regularly engage in high risk sexual behaviors, may need the daily medication PrEP to prevent HIV (62). It would appear, in my estimation, these daily required medications could cause increased dependency on the state and increased health disparities for the young. Weak and dependent citizens are easier to control.

The NSES defines social justice as “everyone deserves to enjoy the same economic, political, social rights and opportunities regardless of race, sex, gender, gender identity, socio-economic status, sexual identity, ability or other characteristics” (p.66). I surmise, with the NSES equating race and skin color to unlimited evolving gender identities and sexual orientations, the assumption (or implicit bias) is anyone who does not accept this gender/sexual ideology is racist and seeks to oppress others with their supremacist power.

The NSES removes all lines of gender and sexual orientations and makes school the “safe place” for students to explore identities that best fit them. It appears to me, adults must bow to whatever kids say their particular identities are for that day, otherwise, they will be accused of causing trauma. NSES is creating victim mentalities, incentivizing imaginary genders and high-risk sexual behaviors, demonizing people (parents) and institutions (including religions) that do not go along, and creating dependent, entitled, demanding, selfish citizens. NSES is shifting power and authority from the parents to the children and ultimately to the state.

These standards do not come from the government or from a law. It is a project of the entities that wrote the document, thus not required. However, many states are already using the standards and are passing laws aligned with the standards such as the California Healthy Youth Act.

3 thoughts on “OUTRAGEOUS National “Sex Ed” Standards Teach Kids to Choose Gender”

    1. If you are talking to me, I missed your point. I understand that there are only two genders.
      My point is that conservative and Christian children need to be removed from the indoctrination centers that will teach gender nonsense.

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