In a powerful new documentary that chronicles the medical malfeasance in hospitals during the COVID-19 emergency, “Do No Harm: The Clifton Dawley Story” is a gripping and eye-opening documentary that takes viewers on an emotional journey through the heart of a medical conspiracy during the COVID-19 pandemic. Directed by Clover Carroll, this compelling film exposes the harrowing truth behind one family’s quest for justice and the untold stories of suffering that transpired in the healthcare system.

Clover Carroll, the director of the powerful film, sits down with award-winning journalist Alex Newman to discuss this project.
If you have not yet heard, the Biden administration is working on rolling out a new round of COVID vaccines, and the whole country is beginning to hear talk of another lockdown being imminent.
The Liberty Sentinel has released a video that is now viral with over 700,000 views, providing action items for how YOU can push back against this madness. Visit our page COVID Round 2: Do Not Comply! to check it out.