The last “plandemic” included lockdowns, mandatory masks, and the shuttering of businesses. The next one could be even more totalitarian. Will Americans resist? …
The same forces and globalist organizations behind the Covid-19 injections and the unprecedented global tyranny imposed under the guise of fighting the virus are preparing for a potentially catastrophic H5N1 avian influenza, or “bird flu.” Prominent doctors and critics are already sounding the alarm.

In July, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) joined forces with the far-left Brazilian government and the World Health Organization (WHO) to quietly host the Global Pandemic Preparedness Summit in Rio de Janeiro. The goal: war-gaming and urging governments to prepare for the “next pandemic” in partnership with global health “authorities” and Big Pharma.
Speakers, including self-styled “public-health experts,” warned that new mRNA “vaccines” would have to be developed and deployed within 100 days of an outbreak, and that even people in poorer nations would have to be injected. They hope to have the jabs on the shelf and ready to go for whatever real or imagined boogeyman may be lurking.
Participants also claimed alleged man-made climate change was helping fuel the threat. The allegations echo claims made by global “public-health” leaders arguing that everything from gun violence to racism to global warming is a public-health emergency requiring urgent action. Skepticism and “hesitancy” surrounding vaccines is a problem too, the “experts” claimed.
The international news media was largely silent on the important Rio summit, even as more and more officials and “experts” warned of a potential bird-flu pandemic that could cause unprecedented fatalities. The U.S. government is already funneling taxpayer funds to Moderna and other Big Pharma interests under the guise of preparing a bird-flu “vaccine.”
Meanwhile, policymakers and Big Pharma officials are preparing for the International Bird Flu Summit in D.C. from October 2-4. The objective of the summit is to prepare for, among other possibilities, “mass fatality management planning,” delivery of “vaccines,” and “surveillance,” the website for the event explains.
“With the emergence of a highly virulent strain of bird flu affecting both cattle and humans, it is imperative that we come together to discuss preparedness, response strategies, and the future implications of this evolving situation,” the site continues, urging government officials, bureaucrats, and Big Pharma operatives to sign up.
Mpox Emergency
All of those preparations for the next pandemic were happening as the World Health Organization in August declared monkeypox, now “mpox,” to be a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). Under the PHEIC, the WHO purports to have broad authority to combat the “emergency” even as it seeks to usurp even broader powers through changes to the International Health Regulations and an international pandemic accord.
On the health front, Global Health Project founder Dr. Kat Lindley told The New American that she was not concerned about mpox or any of the other alleged threats. In fact, she warned that fraudulent methods, such as rigged PCR testing, as was used during Covid, are being and can be used to deceive humanity by making it seem as though a disease is out of control.
However, aside from manufactured health hysteria, there is real cause for concern. Especially dangerous are efforts to usurp more government power and advance global governance, Lindley said. In fact, she believes part of the reason for the WHO’s newly declared health “emergency” is to push more injections on humanity.
“If we learned anything during the pandemic, it’s that we should not be vaccinating during a pandemic, as it makes it worse,” warned Lindley, who earned a reputation as a leading medical truth-teller during Covid. “The idea that we’re going to vaccinate ourselves out of [this pandemic], or that these mRNA platforms are going to save us from everything, is the most ridiculous idea I ever heard.”
The WHO-CEPI narrative that vaccines are the solution to all global health issues is more about money and control than health. “If the WHO was truly a public health organization, what they would be promoting is strengthening the immune system,” Lindley said, calling on people to take prudent steps such as eating healthy, exercising, and taking vitamins to improve their health and ward off pathogens.
Dr. David Martin, CEO of intellectual-property company M-CAM and recognized internationally for exposing evildoers during Covid, told The New American that the WHO’s mpox PHEIC was actually a cover story to conceal escalating immune-system problems from the Covid-19 mRNA injections.
“There is no monkeypox outbreak of any concern,” he said. “What there is, is a pox-like side effect in response to people’s immune system failures around receiving the injection with spike protein…. They’re selling a side effect of the injection as a new outbreak.” Martin said this was obvious from the published research around some of the ingredients in the Covid injections.
Much of this was war-gamed already, he added, pointing to exercises some years ago by the Nuclear Threat Initiative and the Munich Security Conference on a monkeypox pandemic. “This is no different from what they did in Event 201 in 2019 before Covid,” he said about the WHO declaration and the agenda.
Now, it is time for justice, he continued, calling for prosecutions of the players involved in the pandemics, the injections, and the tyranny. He urged all Americans to work with law enforcement, prosecutors, sheriffs, state attorneys general, and others in authority to go after those who have maliciously harmed humanity in recent years.
At the CEPI summit at the end of July, an unspecified “Disease X” was officially the topic of discussion — the same subject addressed by the most recent World Economic Forum (WEF) summit in Davos. But growing hysteria surrounding bird flu and even monkeypox suggests that either or both may soon be declared an “emergency” supposedly justifying global Covid-style tyranny.
“CEPI’s business plan says there is to be a series of pandemics and there will be only one countermeasure response — mass vaccination,” explained Dr. Peter McCullough, one of the first doctors to sound the alarm about the suppression of legitimate early Covid treatments as well as the now-obvious problems with the “vaccine.”
“Nowhere in the CEPI business plan is there mention of therapeutics and treatment of patients for an acute illness,” he told The New American. “CEPI is essentially a vaccine incubator fully syndicated in the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex which has positioned itself for massive investments and profits with the COVID-19 pandemic being a template.”
However, the model is dangerously flawed, explained the prominent physician and cardiologist who exposed the “Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex” in a major book and who gained an international reputation as a top medical leader during Covid. “Vaccines should never be used in widely prevalent pandemics since they foster resistant strains and are destined to fail and prolong the pandemic,” he said, echoing concerns of other leading experts in the field.
Still, despite the possible effort to try the same CEPI business plan again, McCullough said he did not think the people of Brazil or the world would “fall for it” this time.
CEPI’s background is causing great concern among the medical experts who exposed the Covid tyranny. Consider that it was created as a partnership between Big Pharma, billionaire population-control zealot Bill Gates, and the pro-Communist China WEF founded by “Great Reset” peddler Klaus Schwab.
Mr. Vaccines: Billionaire population-control zealot Bill Gates teamed up with the World Economic Forum to impose tyranny on humanity under the guise of “public health,” and they’re at it again. (AP Images)

The group practically wrote the script for the Covid pandemic in its 2017 business plan, Harvard-trained psychiatrist Dr. Peter Breggin — author of COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are The Prey — told The New American. His book devotes almost an entire chapter to the shady organization.
“This is just catastrophic,” he said when asked about the pandemic meetings. “They got more than they ever could have imagined with Covid. They can’t wait to hammer us again.”
“They now know that all they have to do is fake a terrorizing event of any kind whatsoever — a disease or something else — and the whole world will cave in,” explained Breggin, widely known as the “Conscience of Psychiatry.”
While CEPI remains an obscure organization as far as the public is concerned, it has played a major role behind the scenes in everything from pandemic response to seed-funding the mRNA injections deployed under the guise of fighting Covid, he warned. For instance, CEPI seed-funded three “successful” Covid vaccines, including the Moderna mRNA shot.
“It doesn’t even matter what it is, they just need to scare us and get our president and all the other governments to step up the totalitarianism and take our wealth,” warned Breggin, who has labeled those responsible for the Covid disaster as “global predators” who seek to kill and enslave.
“In [my] first book, [I] called CEPI’s preliminary business plan the actual plan for the entire unfolding of what happened with COVID,” he continued. “The CEPI business plan was developed with all the villains — they all had input — and they did the dirty work afterward.”
Breggin pointed to CEPI boss Dr. Richard Hatchett and his connections to U.S. biodefense agency BARDA (the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Agency), as well as his successor, Rick Bright. Among other posts, Bright served at the Rockefeller Foundation, which in 2010 released a report that included a section called “Lockstep.” It imagined a pandemic resulting in a draconian global governmental response almost exactly like the response to Covid a decade later.
“He’s the one who stopped hydroxychloroquine,” said Breggin, noting that the drug was known to be effective in the fight against Covid and yet was deliberately suppressed by the federal government. It is now known that the Biden administration pressured tech companies to silence Americans and even doctors who spoke out on this, too.
Considering the controversial players and organizations involved with CEPI, which is fully aligned with the UN 2030 Agenda Sustainable Development Goals, Breggin is right to be concerned.
CEPI co-founder Gates, for example, famously said in a 2010 TED talk, “If we do a really good job with new vaccines, health care and reproductive health services, we can lower that [global population] by 10-15 percent.” Gates has also repeatedly celebrated the genetic-engineering component of mRNA injections.
Meanwhile, Schwab and his WEF — key partners behind CEPI — have been building up the mass-murdering Chinese Communist Party for decades while seeking to impose its “model” on the world.
Global “health” bureaucrats are also key, hammering their usual talking points during the Rio summit. “We need … science and political resolve to come together as we prepare for the next pandemic,” declared World Health Organization boss Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, a former ethno-Marxist terror leader installed to lead WHO by Gates and the CCP. “Advancing our knowledge of the many pathogens that surround us is a global project requiring the participation of scientists from every country.”
Tedros continued by threatening humanity with more danger from more pandemics if politicians did not jump on the bandwagon. “History teaches us that the next pandemic is a matter of when, not if,” he said. “It also teaches us the importance of science and political resolve in blunting its impact.”
Hatchett, the leader of CEPI and former leader of the U.S. military’s controversial “biodefense” bureaucracy, also hinted at the agenda in his official comments for the Global Pandemic Preparedness Summit. “WHO’s scientific framework for epidemic and pandemic research preparedness is a vital shift in how the world approaches countermeasure development, and one that is strongly supported by CEPI,” he explained.
He added, “As presented at the Global Pandemic Preparedness Summit 2024 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, this framework will help steer and coordinate research into entire pathogen families, a strategy that aims to bolster the world’s ability to swiftly respond to unforeseen variants, emerging pathogens, zoonotic spillover, and unknown threats referred to as pathogen X.”
Stakeholder Tyranny
CEPI is a perfect example of the WEF-backed “stakeholder” model, in which Big Business and Big Government team up in a fascist-style partnership along the lines of what happens in China. In fact, even officially, CEPI’s goal was to forge partnerships among governments, the business sector, and phony tax-exempt “philanthropies” to develop and push vaccines for future pandemics.
In reality, the model simply removed natural checks and balances among government, business, the press, and civil-society organizations by bringing them all under the same umbrella. The remaining dissenters not dependent on the machine are then marginalized, demonized, censored, and, in some cases, attacked using everything from lawfare to stripping licenses or worse.
As hysteria surrounding the “next” pandemic grows, leading vaccine peddlers associated with the machine such as Dr. Peter Hotez are now calling for deployment of the military, the Department of Justice, the Department of Homeland Security, and even NATO against those who resist the mass-vaccination-at-gunpoint agenda. Experts say the shrillness and viciousness will keep escalating.
Similar war games to target dissent have been seen before. In the months leading up to Covid, the WEF and the Gates Foundation teamed up to host the above-mentioned “Event 201” at Johns Hopkins, war-gaming the totalitarian response to a novel respiratory virus. The exercise featured incredible similarities with what actually happened just a few months later, including calls for targeting and prosecuting dissenters and even journalists. Critics of CEPI suggested these conferences could be playing a similar role.
The goal of all these efforts does not appear to be protecting humanity from pandemics, genuine health experts say. Rather, they all seem aimed at allowing powerful forces to extract enormous amounts of resources from the public under the guise of creating “vaccines,” and then protect everyone involved from liability and accountability when the public is maimed and killed by the allegedly “safe and effective” products.
The U.S. government is fully on board with the agenda of CEPI and its elements. In fact, in July, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced that it would be funneling more than $175 million of American taxpayers’ money to Moderna, one of the disgraced companies behind the failed and deadly mRNA Covid “vaccines.”
“We have successfully taken lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic and used them to better prepare for future public health crises,” claimed HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra, an advocate of mutilating children under the guise of “gender affirming care.” “As part of that, we continue to develop new vaccines and other tools to help address influenza and bolster our pandemic response capabilities.”
“Importantly, we are doing this work in partnership with some of the nation’s leading scientists and clinicians,” Becerra continued. “The Biden-Harris Administration won’t stop until we have everything we need to prepare for pandemics and other public health emergencies that impact the American public.”
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