Undermining Police With Grants From Left-wing Foundation

Alex NewmanMar 4, 2025

Under the guise of justice, the radical MacArthur Foundation is paying local governments to release criminals from jail. In 2020, James Jumping Eagle, a…

Can Constitutional Sheriffs Protect Liberty in a Kamala…

Join Alex Newman in this episode of The Sentinel Report as we cover the news of the horrendous mockery of Christianity on display at…

Label Lynching Constitutional Sheriffs & Medical Freedom

In this episode of The Sentinel Report, Alex Newman interviews Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association Founder Sheriff Richard Mack and CEO Sam Bushman…

The Soros DAs: Bad People Up to No…

Chris WrightFeb 28, 2023

By Chris Wright, 2/24/23 Missouri’s Attorney General just fired St. Louis progressive prosecutor Kim Gardner for failing to prosecute violent crimes and for other…

Canadian Prime Minister goes Full “Bull” Connor with…

Blaise VanneFeb 16, 2022

Which will it be? Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s “New! Improved!” imperial police régime, or Bull Connor’s old-school, Birmingham, Alabama ruffian police state? As…