Method to the Madness: The Nature of the…

There are powers behind the scenes that order national and global events, shares Alex Newman on the Tip of the Spear podcast with Brandon…

America & Trump MUST Embrace God: Jonathan Cahn…

In a riveting episode of “The Liberty Report” with Alex Newman, a spotlight was cast on the extraordinary spiritual voice of Rabbi Jonathan Cahn.…

If Trump Goes All Out for God, America…

Messianic Jewish pastor Jonathan Cahn spoke directly to President Donald Trump at the National Faith Summit, encouraging him to speak boldly about Jesus Christ. …

Why America Must Understand Bible Prophecy: Pastor Tom…

Andrew MullerJan 25, 2024

America has never faced a more tumultuous time as we face pandemics, rapid digitalization, globalism, surveillance, and sexual perversion. Now more than ever, argues…

Stained Glass Tears

Calder Edmison came by the old country church like he had every week for the past couple of years to look after the old…

The Glory of God in the Last Days

Tony CollegeMay 23, 2023

The Lord Jesus sitting at the right hand of the Father looks upon His beloved bride on earth. He sees her persecutions, trials, and…