Despite a state law banning taxpayer funding for the scandal-plagued Kinsey Institute at Indiana University named after an infamous pervert, it appears that Hoosiers are still involuntarily being fleeced to finance the outfit. That is according to Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita and Comptroller Elise Nieshalla.
In a scathing letter sent to IU’s president and board of trustees, Rokita and Nieshalla highlighted a law passed year by the General Assembly forbidding any public funds for organization. “The language and intent of the legislation is clear and unambiguous—state funds may not be used to fund the Kinsey Institute,” the letter stated.
And yet, there is scant evidence that the university has even made serious efforts to comply with the law. There were some initial proposals such as creating a separate non-profit organization to oversee the Institute. Earlier this year, the Board of Trustees voted down a plan to formally sever it from the university, too.
After rejecting all those plans, university leaders instead said they would submit a plan to the state accounting board to ensure the new law was being obeyed. “With the action taken today, we are taking steps to ensure that the Kinsey Institute remains a beacon of intellectual inquiry,” University President Pamela Whitten said in a statement.
However, according to the state’s top law-enforcement officer, the university has not been transparent on the issue and has not yet provided evidence that it is obeying the laws passed by the people’s elected representatives. As such, Rokita and Nieshalla said it was time for the institution to show it was in compliance.
“Given the apparent lack of transparency in which the University is complying with the law, it is incumbent upon us, as Indiana elected officials, entrusted with ensuring compliance with state law and proper fiscal stewardship over state tax dollars, to demand you demonstrate that Hoosiers’ hard-earned tax dollars are not used to fund the Institute,” they wrote in the letter.
The law banning public funds for the Kinsey Institute was passed last year under the leadership of Republican Rep. Lorissa Sweet, who told The Newman Report that protecting children was her top priority as a lawmaker. Indeed, she suggested in comments on the floor of the legislature that the outfit may still be involved in or concealing criminal activity.
“Could they be hiding child predators?” Sweet asked her fellow lawmakers in discussing the successful effort to defund the scandalous institute, pointing to its vile history of involvement in promoting perversion and even the sexualization of children. “If there is any place where Chris Hansen needs to bring To Catch a Predator, it is Indiana University.”
Kinsey is perhaps best-known today for concluding that children were “sexual” from “birth.” To reach this shocking conclusion, self-styled “sex researcher” Kinsey relied on “data” from pedophiles and child rapists as they raped and sexually tortured hundreds of children as young as a few months old.
The evidence of these monstrous crimes is documented in Kinsey’s own books. In fact, his 1948 book Sexual Behavior in the Human Male included tables of data gathered by his pedophile army documenting the crimes, including horrific sexual abuse of babies and toddlers.
Based on the children’s responses documented in his work — crying, screaming, struggling, and more — Kinsey concluded that the children actually enjoyed the abuse. This pervert then worked with others including SEICUS to normalize and promote the perversion, grooming, and other outrages that are happening in schools across America.
Critics of Kinsey and his disciples have long called for criminal investigations into the “Institute” at IU. In an extensive interview with this writer, late Liberty University Professor Dr. Judith Reisman — one of the world’s top experts on Kinsey — spent decades calling for prosecutions. She also found evidence that Kinsey was working with the CIA.
In 2019, activists and experts from across America with the Protect Child Health Coalition converged on Kinsey Institute to demand an investigation of its role — and the role of its founder — in the rape, torture, and sexual abuse of thousands of children. The ghastly crimes of Kinsey and his institute continue to destroy children to this day, they warned.
Arriving at the Institute in Bloomington from more than 20 states, the critics pointed out that this perversion center was crucial in unleashing the so-called “sexual revolution” that has devastated the world. A banner at the protest featured Kinsey’s own data documenting the monstrous abuse of children perpetrated under the guise of “sex research.”

How Indiana University can get away with this is a scandal in and of itself. What else are its leaders hiding? It is time for serious investigations not just into the Kinsey Institute, but into all of the officials at IU who appear to be continuing to funnel taxpayer money into this dangerous organization. Stopping the funding is not enough.
The Kinsey Institute (KI) has been protected by the globalist elite since its inception. IU’s president and Board of Trustees are figureheads in a long line of figureheads. It is not just taxpayer money that flows to the KI, the Rockefeller Foundation was instrumental in funding Alfred Kinsey and his Institute because the horrific sexual abuse and perversions they “legitimized” were powerful tools of the globalist elite, weaponized by “Kinseyan sexual experts” to collapse American Judeo-Christian society from within. Follow the money––always follow the money.
How can IU get away with it? FYTW. That’s the doctrine used by officials of all stripes to slap down a public that dares to ask “why” of the ruling class.
Thank you for exposing Kinsey and this university’s support of Kinsey.
Please keep your readers updated.
MORE FALLOUT from the constitutional framers’ rejection of the Bible’s immutable/unchanging moral law (including its economic and taxing statutes) as Government and society’s foundational ethical standard.
All of the Constitutional Republic’s taxes are unbiblical. JHad the constitutional framers (like their early 1600’s predecessors) established government and society upon the Bible’s triune moral law (the Ten Commandments and their respective statutes and civil judgments), there would be no graduated income tax, no property tax, no sales tax, nor any of the other sundry unbiblical taxes.
There would, furthermore, be no Federal Reserve, nor its mistress today’s usurious fiat banking system, nor its enforcement arm the Internal Revenue Service.
For more on how the Bible’s integral triune moral law (the Ten Commandments and their respective statutes and judgments) applies and should be implemented today as the law of the land, see free online book “Law and Kingdom: Their Relevance Under the New Covenant” at
See also Chapter 25 “Amendment 16: Graduated Income Tax vs. Flat Increase Tax” of free online book “Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective” at
I lived in Indiana for 25 years and raised our conservative homeschooled family there. We welcomed 17 grandchildren to visit and stay. We loved the state after living on the west coast for a long time. We had no idea that the Kinsey institute still existed, let alone that it is sponsored by our own tax dollars through a public university, that we even (briefly) considered sending our son to. To say I am shocked is to little. I am angry that I was so ignorant! I was blissfully unaware, after living out west where evil is so pervasive that our oldest son was attacked in our front yard by a boy on his way home from public school. I now live in Ohio. I wonder what I don’t know about my new home…