he United Nations is asking the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to rule on the alleged legal “obligations” of nations regarding combating CO2 emissions and the subsequent man-made “climate change” it causes, reports The New American’s Alex Newman on Behind The Deep State.
The ruling, set to take place later in 2025, is being tasked with putting the entire industrialized world “on trial,” as The New Yorker published. Analysts are projecting that the case will be the largest and most significant that the body has ever presided over. How will President Donald Trump, a staunch critic of the man-made “climate change” hoax, respond?

The satanic Godless Deep-state globalist Terrorists force Scientists to publish documents to say their is climate change caused by Co2 or they Refuse to Fund their research! Every Climate Scientist who puts out Proof that their is no connection to man made Co2 and the Climate they refuse to fund the research! The World Economic Forum Deep-state globalist Terrorist Billionaires Cabal are Spraying our skies with Geoengineering and using weather Modification devices to cause droughts. They refuse to cleanup dead brush in forest, like Aulstraila & California claiming they can’t because it might kill a nesting bird, like Aulstraila, then after the fires Billions of dead birds and Animals were destroyed. Aulstraila is fining $50000 thousand dollars to anyone trying to clear brush around their land. Then in California because of Gavin Newsom Criminal Negligence & the same claims of saving smelt-fish that they haven’t seen in over 3 years, so he wouldn’t fill the water dams plus claiming they can’t cleanup forest brush because it might kill a protected plant and now the fires have killed Billions of animals and all vegatation, Houses & I don’t know how many people died because of These Terrorists activists! God said in the last days before Jesus Returns that these Globalist will Worship Gods Creation instead of the Creator and men will be lovers of self, Covetous, boastful, proud & despisers of those that are good. Traders heady high minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God! 2 Timothy 3:1-5 ClubRealclimatescience.com