Why Global Elites Have Conditioned Us to Fear ‘Conspiracies’

By BlazeTV staff

Is the idea of a “global cabal” just a conspiracy theory, or is there any truth to it?

Award-winning journalist Alex Newman thinks he may have an answer.

“I would say, first of all, there’s two ditches that one can fall into on these issues,” Newman tells Glenn Beck. “There’s the one ditch, and some people fall into this ditch, that these individuals, these organizations, are so powerful they practically attribute divine, God-like powers.”

“That’s ludicrous,” Newman continues. “They’re not God. They don’t control things.”

The other “ditch” people fall into when discussing the “global cabal” is that “‘there’s nothing to see here.’”

“It’s not just a nice non-partisan think tank,” Newman says, referencing the Council on Foreign Relations. While it’s not just an innocent meeting of the minds, not every one of the elites involved is an “evildoing conspirator who wants to enslave humanity.”

“It’s a real group; it has been incredibly influential in setting policy in the United States for generations,” he explains.

While these global groups are full of many benevolent elites, they’re also full of nefarious actors.

Glenn says that those behind it all feel that “the unwashed masses, they don’t understand.”

So they need to get the media on their side.

“We’ll teach it to the media, so the media can help teach it to the people,” Glenn explains from their point of view, calling this “un-American” and a “brainwashing center.”

One word that was taught to the media, and thus the American people, was “conspiracy.”

“This is something that the CIA tried to popularize as a term of ridicule,” Newman explains. “The word ‘conspiracy’ just means two or more people working in secret on some immoral, illegal, or nefarious objective.”

“We’re trained almost like Pavlov’s dogs, we’re conditioned to recoil in horror when somebody says the term ‘conspiracy,’” he adds.

Now Americans have been conditioned to look past what’s true if someone has labeled it a “conspiracy theory.”

“We’re in a world where truth is no longer a defense,” Newman says.

1 thought on “Why Global Elites Have Conditioned Us to Fear ‘Conspiracies’”

  1. The term “Good Conspiracy” is a contradiction in terms. If the object of a secretative pact is good, then the purpose of the secret is to keep the blessing a surprise for the intended recipient(s). That is not a conspiracy, according to the dictionary definition.
    Further, so called “good” men, serving on the Council of Foreign Relations, are not unaware of the leadership’s goals of integrating a former independent Christian republic into a one-world government, whose god is man. This is anti-biblical, and those participating in this are implicitly evil. These “good men” breathe together for an evil purpose, the definition of a conspiracy. Rockefeller’s admitted that was exactly their purpose.

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