By Francis A. Boyle
The World Health Organization was a cooperative and a facilitative institution for the Wuhan BSL4 in China—China’s Fort Detrick. Let me repeat that: The WHO was a cooperative and facilitative institution for China’s Fort Detrick at the Wuhan BSL4.
The WHO knew full well that the Wuhan BSL4–China’s Fort Detrick–was engaged in the research, development, and manufacture of the offensive biological warfare weapon with gain of function properties that later was named COVID-19. When this offensive biological warfare weapon with gain of function properties leaked from the Wuhan BSL4-China’s Fort Detrick–in September 2019, the WHO knew all about it.
In order to cover up their own responsibility for the Covid-19 pandemic catastrophe, the WHO, including and especially but not limited to its director, Tedros, orchestrated an international propaganda cover-up campaign in cooperation with and at the behest of the Chinese Communist Dictatorship. The WHO bears joint and several responsibility for murdering as of now over 1.5 million of our fellow Americans and counting as we communicate here today. The WHO is an organized criminal conspiracy along the lines of the SS and the Gestapo that we Americans criminalized in Article 9 of the 1945 Nuremberg Charter.
In honor of and in tribute to and in the memory of our 1.5+ million fellow Americans murdered by the WHO, President Trump must exit the WHO immediately after his inauguration for these publicly stated reasons. We Americans must not pay one plug nickel to this organized criminal conspiracy along the lines of the SS and the Gestapo known as the WHO out of our hard-earned American taxpayer dollars—a good deal of which money has come from the wallets and the pocketbooks of our fellow 1.5+ million Americans murdered by the WHO.
The United States government must proceed to exercise criminal jurisdiction over all of these WHO official malefactors, including and especially Tedros, for the murder and conspiracy to commit murder of our fellow 1.5+ million Americans. President Trump must do all of this starting immediately after his inauguration.
Francis A. Boyle — Professor of Law
Author of the U.S. Domestic Implementing Legislation for the Biological Weapons Convention, known as the Biological Weapons Anti-terrorism Act of 1989, that was passed unanimously by both Houses of the United States Congress and signed into law by President George H.W. Bush with the approval of the United States Department of Justice.