The government and the establishment media are all pushing the “alien” and “UFO” narrative again, but journalist Alex Newman joins Alison Steinberg on OAN to warn viewers not to fall for the narrative.
The government and the establishment media are all pushing the “alien” and “UFO” narrative again, but journalist Alex Newman joins Alison Steinberg on OAN to warn viewers not to fall for the narrative.
I will republish a commentary I did in a Brazilian page, in Portuguse, Alex (so I’m translating it):
Reading Confrontations, from Jacques Vallée (a profoundly astute researcher, regardless of who he really was and what his last conclusions regarding the alien phenomena were), I had a little insight, an extension of the ideas that we both share, namely, that the so-called “aliens” are — say bluntly — demons. In this reading I realized that in Brazil, especially in its north-eastern region, it was quite common for the “chupas” to attack individuals who at night went into the forests to hunt. Page after page, after stepping over and over the “symbols” (“column of light”, “light”, “hunting”, etc.) contained in some survivors’ accounts, some figures from our [Brazilian] folklore immediately came to mind. As I had never paid attention to them, I went online to analyze it more closely. I resorted to the wise words of Father José de Anchieta, who at the time was still — in his own way — a field researcher, like Vallée, but excellently freed from the “corporealist illusion” []. When I finished reading them, I concluded that I really had an insight, so I left it with a greater certainty that the link between extraterrestrialism, demonism, and ecologism (announced in its own way in Cain, curiously enough, “the father of the cities”) is, in the deepest sense, scientific.
As for the relationship between ecologism and extraterrestrialism in particular, there are many curious relationships that can be exploited (I have Findhorn in mind, which is connected with — again — the British elites), but since I have already abused this space, I will stop here for now.
[The following are the words from José de Anchieta, from the 16th century, when the Portuguese were exploring this (then) new land, more specifically, São Vicente, a city very near from where I myself live:]
«It is known and it crosses everyone’s lips that there are certain demons, which the “Brasis” [native Brazilians, i.e., at that time, the Indians] call curupira [search its depiction and see the obvious relation with fire or light, and remember that in our folklore it’s associated with the “protection of forests”], which often attack Indians in the bush, whip them, hurt them and kill them. Our brothers [very probably Anchieta is referring to the Portuguese people] are witnesses of this, who have sometimes seen those killed by them. For this reason, the Indians usually leave the feathers of birds, fans, arrows and other things similar to a kind of oblation in certain places, which through thicket vegetation lead to the interior of the soil, on the top of the highest mountain, fervently begging the curupiras that they do not harm them.
«There are also other ghosts in the rivers, which they call Igpupiára, that is, which live in the water, which kill even the Indians [and Vallée says at a certain point in his Confrontations: “It is worthy of note that such observations of submerged objects, although rare, they are not unknown in UFO literature.”]. Not far from us there is a river inhabited by Christians, which the Indians used to cross in small canoes, which they make of a single log or of cork, where they were often drowned by them, before the Christians were there.
«There are also others, especially on the beaches, who live most of the time by the sea and the rivers, and are called baetatá [search for the depiction of “boitata” and get surprised!], which means “thing of fire”, which is the same as if you said “what is all fire”. Nothing can be seen other than a sparkling beam running from here to there; it quickly attacks the Indians and kills them, like the curupiras: what this is, we still don’t know for sure.
«There are also other similarly terrifying specters, which not only attack the Indians, but also cause damage; which is not surprising, when by these and other similar means, which took me a long time to enumerate, the demon wants to make himself formidable to these Brasis, which do not know God, and to exercise such cruel tyranny against them.»
Hope you enjoy it, Alex. Sorry again & again about my English.