America & Trump MUST Embrace God: Jonathan Cahn on Prophetic Insights, Spiritual Warfare

In a riveting episode of “The Liberty Report” with Alex Newman, a spotlight was cast on the extraordinary spiritual voice of Rabbi Jonathan Cahn. Known for his unexpected prophetic insights into political and global events, Cahn has been recognized alongside spiritual giants like Billy Graham for his profound impact on the world stage. With his latest book, “The Dragon’s Prophecy,” gaining traction for its apocalyptic revelations, Cahn’s latest discourse is as timely as it is compelling.

A Prophetic Message to a President

During the episode, Newman recounted a powerful prophecy Cahn delivered over Donald Trump just before the election, likening the president to Jehu, the biblical warrior king. Rabbi Jonathan Cahn shared that God called Trump “to make his nation great again,” a mission compared to Jehu’s call to return his nation to God and overturn the prevailing cult, echoing his efforts against Roe v. Wade. This haunting parallel suggests Trump’s role as a “trumpet of God,” highlighting the urgency of America turning back to its spiritual roots.

Cahn noted the profound implications of his prophecy: “This is a real destiny from God, but it’s ultimately about turning a nation back to God,” emphasizing the spiritual dimensions that exceed mere political outcomes. His words resonate as a clarion call to a divided nation on the precipice of moral reckoning.

The Dragon’s Prophecy: Unraveling End-Time Mysteries

With the release of “The Dragon’s Prophecy,” Rabbi Cahn invites readers into the mysterious realm of end-time prophecies. This narrative uncovers the spiritual warfare beneath recent worldwide events, all pointing towards biblical prophecies. Alex Newman lauded this work as encompassing end time mysteries that are unfolding right now, encapsulating the book’s unique power to decode the unseen forces shaping our world.

Cahn made a large emphasis that his insights do not come from any special knowledge or ability that he possesses but are strictly from God.

Notably, the book eerily prefigured the Hamas invasion of Israel, an attack it predicted with startling specificity. Such revelations propelled Cahn’s latest work to the top of bestseller lists, as readers grapple with the prophetic urgencies therein.

A Battle of Cosmic Proportions

The spiritual warfare intrinsic to Jewish history, intertwined with apocalyptic prophecies, forms a thematic backbone in Cahn’s discourse. Cahn shared the relentless historical conflict against Israel as a spiritual war against the divine purpose, observing, “you look at world history and it’s showing this thing.” This cosmic battle, drawn directly from biblical text, frames recent geopolitical tensions as spiritual precursors to end-time events outlined in the book of Revelation.

Moreover, contentious events like the recent attack on Israel indirectly reference “the Trial of Israel,” persisting as a testament to spiritual antagonism. Such dynamics, Cahn argues, are viscerally unfolding before our eyes, necessitating a deeper discernment among believers as we coalesce towards prophetic fulfillment.

Guidance for Believers in Turbulent Times

As the episode came to a close, Rabbi Cahn implored Christians to remain vigilant and proactive. His call to action stressed the necessity of spiritual warfare: “We are at war right now… and we have to fight as if we’re on the winning side, because we are.” Drawing from the lessons and legacies of biblical heroes, Cahn urged his audience to reclaim their spiritual agency and foster revival amidst darkness.

In linking the spiritual revelations of “The Dragon’s Prophecy” and “The Return of the Gods,” Cahn delineates the contemporary resurgence of ancient pagan forces as reminders of the biblical spiritual battle. The warnings and wisdom embedded in these writings aim to prepare believers for both the trials and triumphs predicted by prophecy.

For those seeking to navigate these uncertain times with divine foresight and fortitude, “The Dragon’s Prophecy” emerges as an indispensable guide. In these critical times, Cahn’s formidable insights direct America towards a path of restoration, urging believers to embrace their roles in the prophetic destiny of both country and faith.

Watch the full interview

3 thoughts on “America & Trump MUST Embrace God: Jonathan Cahn on Prophetic Insights, Spiritual Warfare”

  1. I thought more of this site than to produce zionist propaganda.

    I am very tired of all of these “Trump must do this” articles I see. Trump has a few major items to take care of, you folks set him up for failure with these open ended undefined goals.

    I am Americ firs, not Israel first. I am deleting your bookmark.

  2. Pretty interesting interview. Cahn is a good public speaker.

    A couple constructive comments:

    1) Cahn states that it is written in the Bible that on the date of Trump’s birth a trumpet will come forth, etc. That’s a pretty incredulous claim, I hope all reading this would hopefully agree. But, Cahn conveniently skips over an explanation of how and where the date of Trump’s birth is in the Bible. To me, omitting that explanation severely degrades what Cahn is claiming. I guess I’m just supposed to accept that claim in its unsubstantiated state.

    2) You, Alex, refer to Cahn as a prophet. Throwing around this term is not helpful. Cahn is not a prophet. At best, he is a person that correctly understands what is written in the Bible and talks about it. I mean, when Cahn is referenced as being a prophet, he is being grouped with Isaiah of the Old Testament. Again, Cahn is not a prophet.

    In general, people that are out trying to drum up an interest in their books need to be seriously vetted. To that end, if Cahn would explain where in the Bible it is written that someone important to God will be born on the day that Trump was born, what he says would carry much more weight.

    Until that happens, I remain skeptical of what Cahn is claiming.

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