What does the Bible say about Christians and…

Roger WheelockJun 6, 2024

A lot! A casual check through the Old and New Testaments will reveal that nearly every major biblical figure, whether prophet, king, or apostle…

What Happens When the Church Retreats from the…

Roger WheelockFeb 16, 2024

As we approach the critical elections of 2024, it is vital that Christians carefully consider the role of the Church in politics. Does the…

What Happens When the Church Retreats from the…

Roger WheelockMay 23, 2023

The American Church has for many years shut itself inside its buildings when it comes to equipping and calling our church congregants to vote.…

How the Church is Failing Her Families

Roger WheelockAug 23, 2022

By Roger Wheelock, 8/23/22 The Purpose of the Church in Today’s America If one was to ask a typical Christian what the purpose of…

PROPAGANDA WARS: The Raging Battle Over the ChristianMind

Roger WheelockJun 20, 2022

Dr. Chester M. Pierce, Professor of Education and Psychology at Harvard University made this shocking statement at the Childhood International Education Seminar in 1973.…

Why WHO Educates Matters   

Roger WheelockApr 22, 2022

Reasons to Exit the Public School System  The news is aflame with horror stories from behind the curtain of the public-school classrooms, and more…

The Great Education Reset

Roger WheelockMar 10, 2022

The Need to Re-establish Critical Thinking as a Priority in Learning     “Solid food is for the mature, who by constant practice have their…

Christianity vs. Humanism: Mass Psychology & The Propaganda…

Roger WheelockFeb 4, 2022

Considering the days in which we live, psychology is probably one of the most critical topics for Christians to study. Why? Because it is concerned with…

Teachers Encouraged to Aggressively Recruit Children into LGBTQ…

Roger WheelockDec 2, 2021

The 4th Largest Teacher’s Union in the nation recently conducted a conference in Palm Springs, CA. titled, “2021 LGBTQ+ Issues Conference – Beyond the…

What Are We Saved FOR? Can the Church…

Roger WheelockNov 20, 2021

Over 80% of professing Christian teens abandon their professed faith by the second year in college. Why? 60% of all those who leave the…

Critical Race Theory: A Cult with Demonic Roots…

Roger WheelockJul 8, 2021

It is generally accepted that politics flows downstream from the culture, but most do not realize that the culture flows downstream from the Church!1 In…