Bill Filed to Get U.S. Out of United Nations

Senator Mike Lee of Utah and Congressman Chip Roy of Texas reintroduced legislation that would completely remove United States funding and involvement from the United Nations. With President Donald Trump, who has already taken steps to pull back from the globalist organization, there is a historic opportunity to get this done.

Arguments for withdrawal are vast. Just consider the thousands of accusations against United Nations “peacekeeping” troops over the last decade alleging rape and sexual abuse of women and children. Uncovered through an investigation by the Associated Press, the 2,000 accusations — almost none of which resulted in anyone being punished — are just the tip of a massive iceberg of horror, the fruits of an evil organization run by evil forces.

Americans right now have the best opportunity in generations to get the United States out of the UN and the UN out of the United States. It will take hard work and a great deal of effort. But setting the globalist establishment back by decades while preserving American freedom and independence is well worth the price.

Alex Newman recently broke down these developments on The Sentinel Report:

Below is a small sampling of Alex Newman’s years of reporting on the immoral and un-American activities of the United Nations.

Getting US Out of the UN for Good!
The New American
June 5, 2017


UN to America: We’re the Boss
The New American
October 21, 2019

UN to America: We’re the Boss

U.S. Independence Attacked as Never Before by UN Interdependence
The New American
June 28, 2016

VIDEO: Congressmen File Bill to Withdraw from UN, Restore U.S. Sovereignty
The New American (includes interview Alex did with co-sponsor of the bill)

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