Black Democrat Congresswoman: Biden Cheated, Trump Won

Former U.S. Representative Cynthia McKinney, a black Democrat from Georgia, said that without massive vote fraud for Joe Biden, Donald Trump won the election.

Blasting “miscreants” in places of authority, McKinney called on Trump to keep fighting to drain the swamp and expose evildoers.

Now it is time for every legal vote to be counted so President Trump’s victory can be certified in the Electoral College, said McKinney, a progressive who has allied with the liberty movement on issues of mutual concern.

According to the firebrand ex-lawmaker, it is time for the evil forces in D.C. to be exposed and cleaned out once and for all.

“What the president must do is stay the course and expose it all,” added McKinney in a 20-minute video commentary.

Watch excerpts from the video:

In an interview with Alex Newman at the Red Pill Expo, McKinney previously has attacked Deep State lies and efforts to steal freedom from all Americans by dividing and conquering them.

Watch the video:

Update: The tyrants at YouTube deleted the original video posted here by deleting the entire account. Here is the full interview (most of the comments about Trump, Biden, and the 2020 election come in the last fourth of the video).

41 thoughts on “Black Democrat Congresswoman: Biden Cheated, Trump Won”

  1. all people want there freedom everyone will eventually catch on to what these globalist are trying to do.its amazing how obama trained the media and the FBI and cia to work together against the Republicans

    1. you’re**
      “your ” shows possesion of something.
      Your house. Your shoes. Your sister.

      You’re is a contraction for “you are”, as in “You are a patriot.” = “You’re a patriot.”

      We see a lot of this. We think it may be that grammar wasn’t taught for a lengthy enough time to students that were in school from 1980- early 2000’s.

      Such a shame.

      1. Yes, schools began focusing too much on standardized testing rather than teaching children proper grammar, spelling, punctuation and math. It’s so sad for those who were in school during that period of time, and even up until today. It didn’t stop in 2000, I believe it actually got much worse as they brought in common core.

      2. I went to public school from 1979 – 1992. It was well understood at that time, and I rarely saw any of my classmates make this mistake, relative to the number of grammatical errors surrounding there/their/they’re found online. Anyone who was paying attention was taught this.

        I can’t say as much for the Millennials or later. They have grown up with spellcheck-as-a-crutch, which never catches this mistake. A good grammar check tool (MS Word or Grammerly) should catch it.

      3. I know the difference, but find that spell checker oftentimes substitutes the wrong selection. Sometimes I don’t catch it before it is posted.

  2. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney,

    Thank You! For taking the time to be a true fair Democrat to view the issues from the other side of the room. All we the people from the right want is A Fair election and the hope that it will continue to be fair as per our Constitution that governs both sides, not just one. Thank you for speaking up. Respect to you greatly from a Republican.

    1. God bless you ma’am and watch your back. Your party has a bad track record in regards to free thinkers that ignore marching orders. A very heartfelt thank you from a patriot that wondered where the outraged Democrats were.
      Dennis Smythe

    2. THANK YOU, Susan, for your comment! The sad fact of the matter is that the Dems, now, sponsored by George Soros and his gang, have no respect at all for the Constitution. Their game is divide and conquer and dancing on the race card because Trump, unfortunately, is poorly equipped to spar with them on their terms. Despite all that, Blacks supported Trump in unprecedented numbers . . . why? Because Trump’s economy pre-COVID-19 was good for all the people of the USA and that’s the kind of President we need–the kind of economy we all need! Proud to speak the truth as I see it for as long as I see it!

      1. Avatar
        Anastasia B. Verhausen

        You should have been prosecuted in 2006 for punching that police officer in the Capitol building. Your constituents voted you out of office not once, but TWICE! You are an unhinged basket case.

      2. I just can’t tell you how touched I am by you Cynthia, speaking up and having the guts to do something. You are truly an awesome human being. you deserve a great big hug girl, social distanced of Course:-)

  3. Thank you for being honest. We have bad Democrats and bad republicans. We need to keep the good ones from both parties to keep our country Trump and he will or we the people will help you

  4. Thank God there is someone in politics with integrity! Thank you, Congresswoman McKinney for your honesty and for being bold enough to stand up for what’s right and wrong. Are you sure you’re not secretly a Republican? God bless you!

  5. Murray M. Silver


  6. Thank you for standing up and speaking up for what’s right! Our President Donald J Trump loves America and those of us who voted for him do not want this election stolen from him by all the fraudulent activity in the 2020 election. Thank you for your courage, integrity and honor. You have the respect of all Donald Trump supporters. 🇺🇸

  7. Thank you Congresswoman!! We deserve to have faith in our electoral process and the past and what is going on right now has certainly robbed us of that.

  8. Such a shame that CNN, mSNBC and even Cough Cough FOX NEWs won’t speak to someone like you.
    Where are you Tucker, FOX news eh?

  9. Democrats must unite stand for the people keep are freedom here.The leaders of the Democratic party have lost their way,Greed has taken over there thought process, please save the Democratic party it used to be a good party.

  10. Am I the only one who is bothered by the rampant grammatical errors found all over social media?! I’m totally amazed at how much the English language has been “abused” by ignorant and/or uneducated people in America – call me a grammar snob for I am NOT one. Please take an English 101 college level course or two. If a 7 year old Korean child can master your language with the help of ESL classes, so can YOU! God bless America and God bless our POTUS!! 🙏

    1. Well put Jimmy.

      I went to public school from 1979 – 1992. It was well understood at that time, and I rarely saw any of my classmates make this mistake, relative to the number of grammatical errors surrounding there/their/they’re found online. Anyone who was paying attention was taught this.

      I can’t say as much for the Millennials or later. They have grown up with spellcheck-as-a-crutch, which never catches this mistake. A good grammar check tool (MS Word or Grammerly) should catch it.

  11. She knows how everything really suppose to work. A win is something you participate on and actually win. This is how it use to be.

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