Award-winning journalist Alex Newman unpacks the fight for America: brainwashing tactics unleashed to bring down our nation; the purpose for intentionally hiding slavery’s true history; leftists deceitfully using the Bible against Christians and conservatives; the origin and disastrous history of government schools; attempts to take down our Constitution; secular ideologies’ war against Christ; the elitists’ assault on Trump followers and intent to discredit and tear down our institutions and government; the left’s end game is total tyranny; most prominent white supremacists are or have been Democrats; our No. 1 problem is the failing public education system. All this and more on United Patriots Uprising Radio with Gary Binford.
Brainwashing Tactics Unleashed to Bring Down America – Alex Newman on United Patriots Uprising Podcast

We are facing attacks from every side now. As oppression at the hands of globalists ramp up, their focus is continually narrowing to destroy every aspect of Christianity. They assault us in the name of tolerance and Alex is the tip of the spear as he continues to expose the true evil and the blatant hypocrisy.