Right now, it seems like we are living in a culture that promotes death. The eugenicists seem to be promoting Scientism instead of the family and liberty. We just had the slowest growth rate in US history. Former Vice-President Joe Biden is being held up as the modern Catholic. Your Churches have been shut down by tyrants.
Dr. E Michael Jones came on in 2019 to predict this would happen, and it would not be imposed on us by a police state. We would collapse the most free society by ourselves with degeneracy.
The good news is that TODAY, there was a BIG pro-life win. Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey just signed a bill that bans abortion as the sole reason for UNBORN child have a genetic abnormality such as Down Syndrome. Dr. Jones has been BANNED everywhere and you can find him at www.culturewars.com.
4/27/2021- Arizona- Gov. Doug Docey took a huge step in protecting the unborn today. He signed Senate Bill 1457 into law which protects children that may have been diagnosed in the womb with a conditions such as Down Syndrome.
You can read the full bill here: SENATE BILL 1457
This comes after years of pro-abortion propaganda from governments across the world.
Remember the government propaganda from 2017 out of the Netherlands.

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