Anti-Globalist Uprising: Exploring the Alternative for Germany (AfD)

Germany is seeing a resurgence in nationalism and conservatism through the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, explains Steven Kuhn, a strategic advisor and key insider for the AfD, on The Liberty Report with Alex Newman. With supporters like Elon Musk, the party is growing rapidly, standing as a threat to the establishment in Germany. 

From closing the border, being pro-family, and getting away from the European Union, Newman and Kuhn share how the AfD’s policies can turn the country around.

2 thoughts on “Anti-Globalist Uprising: Exploring the Alternative for Germany (AfD)”

  1. Talk does not make changes and I am not in favor of a civil uproar. So what can people really do that can oust the lawless people. They are in charge of everything except my soul. Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior

    1. Most people don’t care what type gov. rules anywhere, and talk rarely if ever makes changes. Most everyone in the E.U. and U.S. have embraced nihilism and go along with anything governments push on the citizens incl. useless no win wars for profit. We have no business in the Ukraine it is not our war. The U.S. has lost every war since ww2 and ww2 Russia helped us win. Most churches are social centers and do not impact the community because apostasy prevails. Some of us are fed up and home church or meet with small groups in private settings for Bible study. Civil war is possible for those that are fed up.

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