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What Happened to Turkish Creationists — The Nemesis…
Liberty Sentinel StaffNov 22, 2021
Back in 2018, I attended an international creation conference in Istanbul, Turkey, held by a group of Turkish creationists that operated under the Technics…
Bible’s Creation Story for Young Readers
Dan RemboldFeb 4, 2021
A Biblical understanding of creation and the early history of mankind forms the foundation for all of our liberties in America. Our Founders held…
How I Left The Evolution Religion
Alex NewmanJan 5, 2021
One simple, seemingly ridiculous question changed my scientific worldview–and my life. It also strengthened my faith.
War Over Creation/Evolution Page Exposes Wikipedia Bias
Peter RykowskiSep 15, 2020
The movie Is Genesis History? has made a solid impact in the culture. However, the movie has been through a wild ride on —…