How to Raise Strong Children in Weak Times:…

Attention parents! What can you do to protect your children in an age of weak discipline and “therapeutic sentimentalism”? Pastor Doug Wilson of Christ…

Exploring The Abrahamic Family House: A Temple to…

Abu Dhabi — A large temple has been erected in the United Arab Emirates called the Abrahamic Family House, which honors the “interfaith” relationship…

UN’s Plan for World Domination & One World…

In this thoughtful discussion with Maria Zeee, journalist Alex Newman details what really happened at the United Nations’ COP29 annual “climate” summit. Newman, who attended…

Bohemian Grove: America’s Occult Establishment

Brandon SemrowAug 23, 2024

Saturday, July 13, 2024, is a day that will not be forgotten any time soon! It will be remembered as the day that Donald…

UN ‘Climate’ Scam & One World Religion –…

There is a major religious component to the “climate” scam and the new world order being imposed using the scam as a pretext, explains…

The Weaponization of Religion: Globalist Wolves in Sheep’s…

Alex Newman, senior editor for The New American, is on a speaking tour exposing the diabolical worldwide campaign to subvert religion, and especially Christianity,…

Evildoers Hijacking Religion to Push Globalism, ‘Climate’ Fanaticism

Deep State evildoers are working to hijack and unify the religions of the world to push climate hysteria, globalism, and a global economic, political,…

Globalists Are Weaponizing Religion to Push Climate Hoax

Globalists and Deep State minions are weaponizing religion and religious institutions to get their followers to submit to and promote the United Nations-backed hysteria…

Hatred of Biblical Christianity at Parliament of World’s…

The hatred and demonization against biblical Christianity and faithful Christians as “authoritarian” was on full display at the recent Parliament of the World’s Religions…

Uprooting the Root of Bitterness: What God Demands

Dr. Peter HammondAug 23, 2023

“Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another,…


Dr. Peter HammondJul 21, 2023

Phillip Launches the ArmadaPhillip II of Spain called the Catholic world to a Crusade against Protestant England. It was English gold and support that…

People of all faiths should be offended by…

Brenda LebsackJun 8, 2023

PUBLISHED: June 6, 2023 at 11:06 a.m. | UPDATED: June 6, 2023 at 4:20 p.m. As founder of the Interfaith Statewide Coalition and state delegate of the California Teachers…

de Tocqueville Was Right: Swarms of Busy-Bee Bureaucrats…

Chris WrightMay 17, 2023

By Chris Wright, 5/12/23 The American Idea is that We the People are sovereign and the purpose of government is to protect our rights. …

UN ‘Climate’ Scam: Exposing new “Ten Commandments” &…

Freshly returned from the United Nations “climate” summit in Egypt, journalist Alex Newman joins Mark Henry and Tom Hughes to expose the religious agenda…

COP27: Global Meeting to Destroy America – Alex…

Exposing the UN climate cult’s latest summit to shackle humanity under the guise of saving the planet.

Christian Yoga: Bringing the Kundalini Serpent Into the…

Geri UngureanOct 13, 2022

Nothing seems to get a heated debate started faster than challenging a Christian who practices Yoga on this subject. “But I only do the…

US Military & School Kids Subjected to New…

Sarah WintersAug 1, 2022

By Sarah Winters, 7/31/22 As education is widened to incorporate holistic “whole child” philosophies that include social-emotional learning (SEL) and spiritual education, a similar…

Ascendant Islam Means Jihad Is Coming

Chris WrightJun 23, 2022

In my early morning news broadcast, I routinely include stories about the ongoing series of massacres in Africa.  I want Americans to know what…

How to Assassinate a Former President: Open the…

Chris WrightMay 26, 2022

You may have heard in the news the FBI foiled an Islamic State-connected plot to assassinate former President George W. Bush.  What you might…

If The Whole World Celebrated Chanukah, The World…

Mark SunwallDec 7, 2021

In these unsettled times the light of Chanukah has shinned on those who have observed it, and even more brightly on those who understand…

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