Media Propaganda is Literally Killing Americans – Emerald…

Government-backed lies and propaganda peddled by the corporate media are literally killing Americans and people around the globe, with the push for the COVID…

Brazil Has Become a ‘Dictatorship,’ Warn Brazilian Lawmakers

Alex NewmanMar 13, 2024

Brazilian President Luiz Inacio “Lula” da Silva and his allies in the judicial branch have turned Brazil into a “dictatorship” that is persecuting dissidents,…

Deep State Propaganda Aided & Abetted Mass Murder,…

The Deep State’s propaganda machine including the New York Times has been instrumental in aiding and abetting the mass murder and enslavement of countless…

NY Times: A History of Vile Propaganda for…

Alex NewmanMar 4, 2024

From hiding Stalin’s monstrous genocide of Ukrainians and boosting Chairman Mao as an “agrarian reformer” to praising Adolf Hitler and concealing the depths of…

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