Bill Filed to Get U.S. Out of United…

Senator Mike Lee of Utah and Congressman Chip Roy of Texas reintroduced legislation that would completely remove United States funding and involvement from the United Nations.…

Killing Capitalism With ESG & “Natural Asset Companies”…

The effort to undermine free-market capitalism with “Natural Asset Companies” (NACs) and “Environmental, Social, Governance” (ESG) schemes may be facing setbacks, but the broader…

Utah’s Apology to the Country: We’re Sorry, We…

Vince AdamsDec 14, 2023

“He who dares not offend cannot be honest.” ― Thomas Paine I’m sure many of you have heard of the United Nations Agenda 21…

Georgia’s WEF puppet governor Brian Kemp rolls out…

Leo HohmannJun 8, 2023

Georgia recently became one of at least 12 states that is rolling out new digital ID driver’s licenses, which of course is exactly what…