The powers that be are coming for your financial assets–ALL of them; stocks, bonds, and securities of all kinds. And this heist–the greatest in all human history–may be here soon, at least if the plan is not stopped. That is the message of longtime investment banker-turned whistleblower David Webb, author of the explosive book The Great Taking.
Speaking with journalist Alex Newman on The Sentinel Report, Webb offers a stark warning that, if not heeded, could radically re-shape the global economy, governance, and every element of life on this planet. However, according to Webb, it is not too late to stop what he calls “The Great Taking.” In fact, incredible things are already happening as lawmakers across America learn the truth about what is going on.
The discourse around financial ownership and the security of investments has long been a topic of discussion, especially recently as concerns about inflation, economic stability, de-dollarization, and potential crises loom large. But the former investment banker, widely credited with first uncovering this attempt to steal humanity’s financial resources, says the real elephant in the room is the fact that you no longer own your securities.
In fact, as a result of quiet changes made to the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) in all 50 states as well as laws around the world, you merely hold a “security entitlement.” Meanwhile, powerful financial players are using what you thought were your securities to keep inflating the $400+ TRILLION derivatives complex. And when it all crashes down, the uber-elites will end up in control of everything.
Unveiling a Financial Conundrum
Webb, recognized for his deep analytical expertise within finance, particularly investment banking, joined Alex Newman to expound on the issues detailed in his book, The Great Taking. Webb’s journey from a successful hedge fund manager to a vocal critic and whistleblower is as intriguing as it is unsettling. His revelations reveal a seismic change in how securities are held, challenging the long-standing notions of ownership.
“Stocks and bonds were your personal property,” Webb elucidated, laying bare a reality where direct ownership has been severed. “You no longer have a property right,” he emphasized, illustrating a world where securities are pooled, leaving investors with mere security entitlements. This shift, rooted in amendments to the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) in the 1990s, fundamentally altered the landscape of financial ownership.

A Disturbing Legal Reality
Engaging with Newman, Webb explained the dire implications this has for the average American, whose investments might be compromised without any direct recourse. “If the intermediary fails, you have no right to take your property back,” Webb asserted, referencing a 2006 document from the New York Fed that confirmed the public’s ongoing vulnerability.
Within this dialogue, an alarming analogy emerged, likening this systemic shift to unwittingly having one’s car used as collateral by a mechanic, transforming personal assets into liabilities in the eyes of creditors. “This is about everything,” Webb warned. “It’s about subjugation,” hinting at a larger geopolitical strategy behind these financial maneuvers.
Legislative Battles and Future Implications
The conversation highlighted burgeoning legislative efforts to confront these issues at the state level, illustrating a growing resistance against powerful financial lobbies. Webb lauded the progress made in various states, emphasizing, “This has to be stopped, and it can be stopped.” Especially exciting are developments in Tennessee, South Dakota, and nearly a dozen states where lawmakers are now working on this.
As legislative battles continue, the stakes could not be higher. Newman and Webb painted a picture of an impending crisis, where the ownership illusion unravels amid financial turmoil, leaving many potentially destitute. “The objective is that you will not have your property,” Webb remarked, suggesting a path to centralized control via mechanisms like central bank digital currencies (CBDCs).
A Call to Action and Awareness
Concluding this illuminating discussion, Webb urged proactive civic engagement, encouraging citizens to rally their local legislators and push for protective measures. “Get off the sofa,” Webb implored, stressing the necessity of personal involvement in halting this financial subversion.
Newman echoed this rallying cry, emphasizing the role of informed action amidst widespread misinformation and distraction. “This is an existential threat,” he cautioned, urging viewers and listeners to share these revelations and advocate for change.
As Webb’s discourse concludes, it is clear that awareness and action at the state level are crucial steps in protecting the integrity of personal and global financial systems from what could be deemed the greatest heist in history. This heist can be stopped, but YOU need to get involved NOW.