July 8, 2020- TONIGHT we begin a new chapter of Liberty Sentinel, and we need your help. Things are changing too fast. Our Constitution is being destroyed. Our Bill of Rights is being “edited”. The mainstream media is intentionally, or ignorantly, fanning the flames of racial division, and those flames are intended to destroy the freedoms and enslave generations to come. We no longer have to guess. Our rulers have abandoned us, and we must form a community NOW, so that we can stop the bleeding.
When we interviewed street artist SABO, he said “conservatives have a superior product, but the left has the best marketing”. By turning on the TV, you can see that daily. Almost every news anchor seems to be reading off the same teleprompter, and that teleprompter is openly anti-American now. We are trying to change that by forming a fully independent show where you can get YOUR voice and concerns out to the world.
“Unraveling the Narrative with Alex Newman and Sean Jackson” will always be posted here on Liberty Sentinel. We will start uploading show notes and your concerns, and we hope to provide solutions. With the recent censorship of Stefan Molyneux, Dr. E Michael Jones, and anyone who refuses to conform to the communist new speech rules, we are fortunate to already have a platform that is not controlled by Google/Alphabet. You do not have to worry about our website, show, or your comments ever falling into the hands of tech oligarchs that demand conformity.
While our first few streams will be on YouTube by clicking here, we know that we do not have much time to shift the conversation back to restoring freedom, inspiring Faith, breaking up tech monopolies, fighting Marxism, and promoting anyone who is willing to take on the power structure. This is why we need your help. We have laid out our commitment and goals here. We promise to be YOUR voice. We promise to stay fully independent and not take large corporate money. We will stay a grassroots show that seeks to move the Overton window away from the dangerous level of Marxism that has infiltrated our government, schools, and culture.
Our first test episode is posted below, and we hope to hear your voice in tonight’s chat. We hope you meet like-minded people, and this puts a strong community together in the long run. We will work on finding placement, keeping our platform, and keeping it free for those who cannot afford to support us. We just need your prayers and shares. Whether it is on YouTube, radio, network TV, or anywhere else, we will keep you informed here while we continue to build the infrastructure.
Whether you support the show Patreon, Alex, or buy the books, it all helps our end goal of remaining independent. This will NOT work any other way, and both Alex and I are strong on that position. The more support we receive, the faster we can find other outlets and provide platforms to those voices that have been censored by big tech oligarchs.
GOD BLESS, and we hope to see you tonight in the chat.
Tonight’s stream starts at 9pm EST.
Episode #1 for anyone who missed the chat.
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*If you have any tips, email [email protected] to get all updates.
*Parler- @SeanJackson. Leave yours in the comments, so we can follow each other. Community is the most important thing right now.