USDA Approves Gates-backed Fake “Meat” for US Market – Alex Newman on OAN

The U.S. Department of Agriculture gave approval to fake “meat” backed by population control fanatic Bill Gates and other globalists, but consumers should beware of health dangers and a darker agenda, warned journalist Alex Newman on this episode of In Focus with Alison Steinberg on One America News.

Among other concerns, Newman said that the fake “meat” does not contain the nutrients essential to human life that are found in real food. To make it taste edible, meanwhile, all sorts of dangerous chemicals will be added in. Alison pointed out the the technology relies on cancer cells.

Ultimately, one of the key agendas is to centralize control over food production in the hands of giant mega-corporations in bed with Big Government, explained Newman. The hope is to crush small farmers and ranchers to get total control of the food supply in globalist hands, he added.

4 thoughts on “USDA Approves Gates-backed Fake “Meat” for US Market – Alex Newman on OAN”

  1. Notice they’re also talking about the price of beef tripling. How convenient that this junk coincidentally gets approved for sale to unsuspecting consumers at the same time. The solution is simple. Just don’t buy it.

  2. “The hope is to crush small farmers and ranchers to get total control of the food supply in globalist hands, he added.”
    Globalist hands.
    Does everyone know why they use ambiguous terms like “globalist”?
    Because the last thing they want you to know is who your actual enemy is.
    It’s those darn GLOBALISTS. Those nameless, faceless people you’ll never see, never meet, never know.
    Except, the overwhelming majority of them happen to be JEWS.
    (Now cue the calling of truth “hate” and the slinging of labels).

  3. One day, when all of these Malthusian theorists with the power, money or the will to do something about it (Gates, Fauci, Schwab, etc) tell us that the world is overpopulated, we’ll see their “faith” for what it is and understand that EVERYTHING they do is towards that end of a population reduction.

    Gates and his biotech subsidiary Oxitec released hundreds of millions of gene-altered mosquitoes into Florida in April of ’21 to “fight dengue and malaria”. Fast forward two years and, at the time of this comment, 4 fresh cases of malaria that hasn’t been spotted in Florida since 2003. I expect more.

    Absolute power has always corrupted absolutely, but sold-out believers in an anti-God, humanist theory with the abilities to do something about it has created humanist demigods with ‘Christ’ complexes.

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