Deep State Controlled Demolition of America – Alex…

Greg HunterDec 4, 2023

Award-winning journalist Alex Newman, author of the popular book “Deep State,” says there is a not-so-secret plan to destroy everything in America and everything…

Destroy America for One World Government – Alex…

Greg HunterJul 12, 2023

Award-winning journalist Alex Newman, author of the popular book “Deep State,” contends everything you are seeing from open borders to pushing the transgender ideology…

UN Global Takeover Plan Wickedness from Pit of…

Greg HunterApr 23, 2023

The UN’s new global emergency plan, first exposed by Alex Newman, would give the globalist organization total control of the planet.

USA Gangster Government – AZ Exposing Vote Fraud,…

Greg HunterMay 1, 2021

By Greg Hunter’s (5.1.2021 Saturday Post) Journalist Alex Newman says the rule of law is disappearing in America.  You can see it in the thug…

Deep State Freaked Out Trump Not Giving Up

Greg HunterDec 29, 2020

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post) Journalist Alex Newman says don’t let all the calls for President Trump to step down fool you into thinking…

Coup Underway Right Now – Alex Newman

Greg HunterNov 7, 2020

Breaking down the treasonous effort to steal the 2020 election with voter fraud on USA Watchdog with Greg Hunter.

America at War with Godless Marxists – Alex…

Greg HunterAug 5, 2020

Journalist Alex Newman says the so-called protests around the country are really well funded riots and attacks on the foundation of America.  It’s as…